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Bournemouth University

Bournemouth University (BU) is based on the south coast of England and is recognised as one of the most innovative universities in the UK; bringing together professional and academic excellence.

BU’s core vision is “Creating the most stimulating, challenging, and rewarding university experience in a world-class learning community by sharing our unique fusion of excellent education, research and professional practice and inspiring our students, graduates and staff to enrich the world.”

In 2012 BU was awarded The Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education for its contribution to world-leading excellence and pioneering development in computer animation. The Media School at Bournemouth University has been designated as the only Centre for Excellence in Media Practice in the UK by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) while our School of Tourism has been designated as a Centre of Excellence in Tourism by the World Tourism Organisation. BU is also the number one research centre in the world for fish biology.

Graduate employment rates are consistently high at over 90% and BU has more students on placement than any other university in England. BU has a community of almost 19,000 students from over 100 different countries, while 5,982 students graduated from BU in 2012 alone.

With BU’s Lansdowne Campus near the centre of Bournemouth and Talbot Campus three miles inland on the boundary of Bournemouth and Poole, BU is an important player in the local economy and is widely involved in enriching the local community as well as its students.


Displaying 301 - 310 of 310 articles

Australian cricket captain Michael Clarke became involved in a sledging imbroglio after stump microphones picked up a comment aimed at Englishman Jimmy Anderson. AAP/Dave Hunt

Sledging is out of order in the workplace, so why not the sports field?

Picture this scene: you and a colleague sit down for a meeting with your counterparts from another organisation. Before discussions begin, one employee leans over and questions whether you know what you…
Patients are more likely to complain about food than treatment. A hobo dancing barefoot

British attitude to the NHS – quite satisfied, actually

The NHS in the UK has come in for a lot of bashing of late, especially from politicians and the media. The former do so for largely ideological reasons, while I fear the latter often report the exceptions…
Unrest in Syria has raised concerns about world oil supplies. potomo

How the Syrian unrest affects world markets

Prospective US and UK military action in Syria has created jitters in the financial and commodities markets around the world. Stock markets have experienced significant losses, whereas commodities and…
This won’t work for never events. Marsmet548

Explainer: what are surgical ‘never events’?

The point of surgical procedures is to save or improve the quality of our lives, but things can and do go wrong because of system or human errors. In too many cases patients are failed because of so called…
Highbrow or trash? No one ever needs to know. Annie Mole

Digital chart reveals what we really want to read

E-readers have been a regular sight on public transport for years now but until recently, little has been known about the impact they are having on the publishing industry and readers alike. For the first…
Very good Miss, but how do I print a gun? RiAus

Are you ready for your child, the 3D printing genius?

In his new National Curriculum for schools in England, announced this week, Education Secretary Michael Gove pledged to modernise design and technology education. This is thought to include introducing…
Xbox One’s new controller. Tony Rice

More than a console: Xbox One is not just for gaming

After many months of rumours, speculation and discussion on the next offering of Microsoft’s gaming console, details of the new Xbox have finally been revealed. Christened Xbox One, it is to be their third…
Inspire’s writer, Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, was killed in a US drone strike in November 2011. By Magharebi via Wikipedia Commons

Inspire magazine and the rise of open-source jihad

The influence of globally available jihadist propaganda on the web is well established. But we know less about how and to what extent word-of-mouth and other more local channels of communication contribute…


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