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Concordia University

Concordia University defines next-generation education by anticipating the future of what a university can and should be. Our research and teaching is daring, transformative and distinct with a “big thinking” approach that examines societal issues from an expansive, interdisciplinary perspective. Concordia is an open and engaged university that encourages students to become active, critical and global citizens. As part of Montreal’s fabric, we are deeply connected to the city — and we are deeply connected to the world at large. More than 46,000 students choose Concordia each year. Globally, we have nearly 200,000 graduates.

L’Université Concordia vous invite à sauter dans le monde de l’éducation nouvelle génération. Tournés vers l’avenir, nous savons ce qu’une université peut et doit être. Nos recherches et notre enseignement sont non seulement uniques et audacieux, mais aussi en constante évolution. Nous voyons grand, voilà pourquoi nous examinons les enjeux sociaux d’un point de vue global et interdisciplinaire. Concordia est une université ouverte et engagée qui encourage ses étudiants et étudiantes à devenir des citoyens du monde impliqués et critiques. Nos racines sont montréalaises et notre ADN est profondément lié à cette ville, mais notre regard, lui, est tourné vers le monde entier. Plus de 46 000 étudiants choisissent Concordia chaque année, ce qui fait en sorte que nous avons globalement près de 200 000 diplômés aux quatre coins de la planète.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 484 articles

More than three-quarters of large, publicly traded companies in Europe and North America now use environmental, social and corporate governance metrics when determining executive incentive compensation. (Shutterstock)

ESG bonuses are on the rise: Are they improving sustainability or just increasing executive wealth?

While incentives can enhance the environmental, social and corporate governance performance of businesses, there is a risk of executives manipulating these performance metrics to obtain bonuses.
Protesters demonstrate against the eviction of a homeless encampment under the Ville-Marie expressway in Montréal in July 2023. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Christinne Muschi

Montréal’s ‘mixed’ police squads don’t help the city’s unhoused people — they cause more harm

Front-line workers who support unhoused people say far from being a form of support, mixed police squads add a layer of surveillance and harassment.
Kwetiio, Kahentinetha and Karakwine (from left to right), three of the six Mohawk Mothers seeking to uncover unmarked graves at the former Royal Victoria Hospital in Montréal. (Justin Heritage)

Mapping unmarked graves: Why the Mohawk Mothers are fighting McGill University

Debates over what “mapping” means show how Indigenous communities still have to advocate for and defend their cartographic methods in order to uphold their connections to the land.
Planting trees to offset carbon is meaningless if the trees are lost to fire. A new way of understanding carbon storage based on both time and quantity stored is required to fully utilize carbon storage in climate change mitigation strategies. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Temporary carbon storage in forests has climate value — but we need to get the accounting right

Tracking both the amount of carbon and the time that it remains stored is key to unlocking the potential of nature-based carbon storage as a climate mitigation strategy.
Fatores de risco que podem ser administrados, como pressão alta, obesidade, sedentarismo, diabete, tabagismo, alcoolismo e solidão, são o fiel da balança para a redução do risco de doenças cognitivas na velhice. (Shutterstock)

Mudanças no estilo de vida podem prevenir mais de 40% dos casos de Alzheimer e outras demências

Embora não haja garantia de evitar o declínio cognitivo, incentivar as pessoas a serem física, mental e socialmente ativas pode reduzir o número de casos de demência.
Le président chinois Xi Jinping et son homologue russe Vladimir Poutine portent un toast lors de leur dîner au Kremlin, à Moscou, en mars 2023. (Pavel Byrkin, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

Voici comment contenir la Chine et la Russie, superpuissances frappées d’allégations d’atrocités

Deux membres du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies – la Chine et la Russie – sont soupçonnés d’avoir perpétré de graves atrocités. Voici comment la communauté internationale doit agir.
Hurricane Lee became the busy 2023 hurricane season’s first Category 5 storm and one of the most intense hurricanes on record in the Atlantic Ocean. (NOAA via AP)

Hurricane Lee: How studying hurricane Fiona’s legacy in Atlantic Canada can help us better prepare for future storms

Can Hurricane Fiona give us a hint about what future climate change might bring to Eastern Canada? Unravelling this question could lie in understanding ancient storm records.
Les facteurs de risque modifiables de la démence sont l'hypertension artérielle, l'obésité, la sédentarité, le diabète, le tabagisme, la consommation excessive d'alcool et le manque de contacts sociaux. (Shutterstock)

De saines habitudes de vie peuvent prévenir jusqu’à 40 % des cas de démence

En encourageant les gens à être physiquement, mentalement et socialement actifs, nous pouvons potentiellement prévenir un nombre important de cas de démence.
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin toast during their dinner at the Kremlin in Moscow in March 2023. (Pavel Byrkin, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

4 ways to rein in China and Russia, alleged superpower perpetrators of atrocity crimes

The spectacle of two UN Security Council members — China and Russia — allegedly perpetrating mass atrocity crimes is deeply troubling. Here’s how the international community must step up.
Nombreux sont ceux et celles qui se sont résignés à ce que les entreprises technologiques collectent nos données privées. (Shutterstock)

Pour protéger la vie privée en ligne, il faut d’abord s’attaquer à la « résignation numérique »

Nombreux sont ceux et celles résignés à ce que les entreprises technologiques collectent leurs données privées. Mais il faut faire davantage pour limiter les informations personnelles collectées.
Modifiable risk factors for dementia include high blood pressure, obesity, physical inactivity, diabetes, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and infrequent social contact. (Shutterstock)

Aging with a healthy brain: How lifestyle changes could help prevent up to 40% of dementia cases

While there is no guarantee of warding off cognitive decline, encouraging people to be physically, mentally and socially active could potentially keep a significant number of dementia cases at bay.
Recent research about business leaders and divorce has important implications for political leaders like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who hold high-level positions of power and responsibility. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Divorce and separation can have significant impacts on business and political leaders

The impact of divorce on job performance can be profound, affecting individuals on both personal and professional levels.
L'avancement des femmes dans les organisations est toujours difficile, notamment en raison de préjugés et stéréotypes sur leur capacité de leaders. (Shutterstock)

L’avancement des femmes dans les entreprises stagne. Comment décoller du plancher collant pour aller au-delà du plafond de verre ?

Des stéréotypes et préjugés minent l’avancement des femmes dans les organisations. Pour les contrer, il faut poser un nouveau regard sur le leadership et favoriser les mandats propulseurs de carrière.


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