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University of Southern California

Located in Los Angeles, a global center for arts, technology and international trade, the University of Southern California is one of the world’s leading private research universities. USC enrolls more international students than any other U.S. university and offers extensive opportunities for internships and study abroad. With a strong tradition of integrating liberal and professional education, USC fosters a vibrant culture of public service and encourages students to cross academic as well as geographic boundaries in their pursuit of knowledge.


Displaying 321 - 340 of 538 articles

It’s an age-old battle between parents and kids. Alena Ozerova/

Do I have to wear a jacket when it’s cold outside?

Leaving your coat at home on a cold winter day doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to get sick. But it could make you more susceptible to germs.
President Donald Trump holds up a newspaper to show a headline that reads, ‘Acquitted,’ at the 68th annual National Prayer Breakfast, in Washington D.C.. AP Photo/ Evan Vucci

National Prayer Breakfast was a moment for leaders to show humility – Trump changed it

The National Prayer Breakfast has been a time to forge friendships. But, as a scholar says, Trump used it to praise his accomplishments, malign his enemies, and thank God for being on his side.
Benny Marty/

US and Iran have a long, troubled history

Some of the major events in US-Iran relations highlight the differences between the nations’ views, but others presented real opportunities for reconciliation.
Thomas Uhle, a grow manager, tends to marijuana plants growing at GB Sciences Louisiana in Baton Rouge in August 2019. Gerald Herbert/AP Photo

Tweets about cannabis’ health benefits are full of mistruths

Claims about the medical benefits of cannabis are greatly exaggerated on Twitter, a recent study found. Most of the mistruths came from bots. How can the medical falsehoods online be stopped?
The American Dialect Society chose ‘they’ as its ‘Word of the Decade.’ abstract_art7/

For linguists, it was the decade of the pronoun

Pronouns rarely, if ever, change. Then along came the gender nonbinary ‘they,’ which was just anointed ‘word of the decade.’
Remembering why you want to eat better and take better care of yourself can help you stick to your resolutions. Being present to family is one important reason. Prostock studio/

How putting purpose into your New Year’s resolutions can bring meaning and results

New Year’s resolutions are often no more than good ideas that last a few weeks. Research suggests, however, that putting purpose behind your resolutions can make a big difference. Here’s how.
A night of revelry can mean an uncomfortable day after. Everett Collection/

Hangovers happen as your body tries to protect itself from alcohol’s toxic effects

Researchers know the basic biology of what happens to your system after a night of heavy drinking. Unfortunately, evidence-based cures for the common hangover are still at the investigation stage.
Kamala Harris’ campaign fizzled as her past as a prosecutor haunted her candidacy. AP Photo/Jeff Chiu

How being ‘tough on crime’ became a political liability

More and more district attorney candidates are running on reversing the government’s traditional approach to crime and punishment. And they’re winning.
President Donald Trump waves as he boards Air Force One, June 6, 2019. AP/Alex Brandon

Impeachment is better than exile

When the founders wrote the Constitution, they had to devise a punishment fitting for a civil servant’s impeachment. One possible punishment: banishment from the community.
Scams of elders are common during the holidays, when companies prey on people’s loneliness and longing to help their families. Andrey_Popov/

Why the holidays are a prime time for elder abuse, and what you can do to thwart it

People often associate the holidays with children, leaving older adults out of mind, but there’s reason to pay attention to them at this time of year. They are a prime target for financial scammers.
Energy Secretary Rick Perry speaks during an event about the environment at the White House on July 8, 2019, as President Trump looks on. AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Rick Perry’s belief that Trump was chosen by God is shared by many in a fast-growing Christian movement

A Christian movement led by independent religious entrepreneurs, often referred to as ‘apostles,’ is changing the religious landscape of the US.


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