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The Conversation's politics podcast
Michelle Grattan, Chief Political Correspondent at The Conversation, talks politics with politicians and experts.

Latest Episodes

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Jodie McVernon on Melbourne's modelling, a Covid vaccine, and the role of experts in a crisis

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Jodie McVernon on Melbourne’s modelling, a Covid vaccine, and the role of experts in a crisis

In light of Victoria's cautious roadmap out of lockdown, which some experts applaud and others believe is unnecessarily conservative, the modelling underpinning the decisions is under close scrutiny. University of Melbourne Professor Jodie McVernon is director of epidemiology at the Doherty Institute, and a modelling expert. She tells the podcast, "I think the broad qualitative conclusions of the model…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Chris Bowen on the recession, aged care and priorities for health policy

Chris Bowen on the recession, aged care and priorities for health policy

Had the 2019 election panned out differently, Chris Bowen would have been the treasurer coping with Australia's current economic crisis. Instead, as shadow health minister, he has been critical of aspects of the government's handling of the health issues, especially its failure to act earlier and more comprehensively to secure access to potential vaccines. With Labor homing in on aged care, which has…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Former Greens leader Richard Di Natale on COVID, climate and his successor

Former Greens leader Richard Di Natale on COVID, climate and his successor

In February, then Greens' leader Richard Di Natale stepped down from the leadership after five years and announced he'd leave parliament to spend for more time with his family. On Tuesday, he delivered his valedictory speech to the senate – remotely – and on Wednesday, he formally resigned. Read more: Where are the Greens? As Di Natale leaves, Bandt must find a spotlight for his party in a pandemic…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Professor Barney Glover on the bleak years ahead for higher education

Professor Barney Glover on the bleak years ahead for higher education

With the withdrawal of the international market, and the stresses of delivering education virtually, the university sector has been hit especially hard by COVID-19. The sector, which in the 2018-2019 financial year contributed $37.6 billion in export income to the Australian economy, is a shadow of its former self. Meanwhile the government last week released its controversial "JobReady Graduates" draft…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Jim Chalmers on tax cuts, inequality, and the Queensland election

Jim Chalmers on tax cuts, inequality, and the Queensland election

The second wave of the pandemic in Victoria has pushed the post-COVID economic recovery further beyond the horizon. Among the challenges for the federal opposition are dealing itself into the debate and formulating alternative economic policies before the next election. With speculation the budget may bring forward the next tranche of the legislated tax cuts, Labor is leaving the way open to give its…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Concetta Fierravanti-Wells on aged care – what needs to be done differently

Concetta Fierravanti-Wells on aged care – what needs to be done differently

The Royal Commission into Aged-Care Quality and Safety delivered it's interim report in October 2019. Titled ‘Neglect’, it provided a scathing insight into the aged care industry - finding it centred around transactions not care. It minimised the voices of people receiving care, lacked transparency, and was staffed by an under-appreciated and under-pressure workforce. The outbreak of coronavirus, and…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Patricia Sparrow on the need for aged care reform

Patricia Sparrow on the need for aged care reform

Those in aged care have been some of the hardest hit by the coronavirus second wave in Victoria. Even before the crisis, there were calls for reform of the sector, which is currently being examined by a royal commission. Issues with staffing and delivery of care have only become worse as many workers are required to isolate, with mass transmission occurring in the homes. Read more: View from The Hill…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Geoff Kitney on a life in journalism and the contemporary media landscape

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Geoff Kitney on a life in journalism and the contemporary media landscape

Geoff Kitney fell into a career in journalism, and rose from reporting the local footy in Western Australia to covering many of federal politics's biggest stories and serving as a foreign correspondent based in Berlin and London. Arriving at parliament house in 1975, Kitney reported on the dramatic Dismissal. Later, the relative decorum of the Canberra press gallery contrasted with the danger and adventure…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

After the crisis: what lessons can be drawn from the management of COVID-19 for the recovery process?

After the crisis: what lessons can be drawn from the management of Covid-19 for the recovery process?

Democratic Fundamentals podcast on "Political Trust in Times of Covid-19" In this fourth episode of the Conversation-Democracy 2025 Podcast on "Political Trust in Times of Covid-19", Michelle Grattan and Mark Evans explore the lessons that can be drawn from the management of COVID-19 for the recovery process with the ABC’s Norman Swan and Mark Kenny from the Australian Studies Institute at the Australian…

2 Hosts: Mark Evans and Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Jane Halton on the risk of 'vaccine nationalism'

Jane Halton on the risk of ‘vaccine nationalism’

Jane Halton, who formerly headed the federal health and finance departments, is chair of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness. CEPI, founded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is at the forefront of the international search for a COVID-19 vaccine. She is also a member of the Morrison government's National COVID-19 Coordination Commission, which liaises with business and advises government…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Christopher Pyne on being 'the ultimate insider'

Christopher Pyne on being ‘the ultimate insider’

Former Liberal Minister Christopher Pyne attracted critics for his political front. But he always had plenty of friends and networks, enabling him often to be a player, if not always a "fixer". After his election to the South Australian seat of Sturt at age 25, he went on to hold senior portfolios, notably education and defence, and to stride the parliamentary stage as Leader of the House of Representatives…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: two leading economists on Australia's post-COVID economy

two leading economists on Australia’s post-COVID economy

With three months before JobSeeker is due to end and calls for billions of dollars in extra spending, there is a growing debate about how Australia's post-coronavirus economy will actually look. While Scott Morrison has said Australia will need to lift economic growth by "more than one percentage point above trend" through to 2025, a 22-economist panel hosted by The Conversation forecast a bleaker…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: The Battle for Eden-Monaro – interviews with Kristy McBain and Fiona Kotvojs

The Battle for Eden-Monaro

On July 4, the voters of Eden-Monaro will give their judgment on the performances of Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese. The seat is held by Labor on a margin of just under 1%. Labor is campaigning hard on JobKeeper ending in late September, while the Liberals are hoping the government's handling of the coronavirus crisis will outweigh Scott Morrison's poor conduct during the bushfires. In this podcast…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Clive Hamilton and Richard McGregor on Australia-China relations

Clive Hamilton and Richard McGregor on Australia-China relations

After its calls for an inquiry into the origins of the coronavirus, Australia has found itself targeted by China with trade retaliation as well as sharp rhetoric. In this podcast, we talk with two prominent China experts about the superpower's wider ambitions and tactics and the bilateral relationship. Clive Hamilton, from Charles Sturt University, has just coauthored, with Mareike Ohlberg, Hidden…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Trust, democracy and COVID-19: A British perspective

Trust, democracy and COVID-19: A British perspective

Democratic Fundamentals podcast on "Political Trust in Times of COVID-19 A week ago, the British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab announced that the number of people killed by the coronavirus in the United Kingdom stood at 32,313, the second highest death toll in the world. Health experts believe that the real figure is likely to be closer to 50,000. The number of deaths from COVID-19 in Australia currently…

2 Hosts: Michelle Grattan and Mark Evans

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Pat Turner on Closing the Justice Gap

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Pat Turner on Closing the Justice Gap

Pat Turner, for decades a strong Aboriginal voice, is the lead convenor of the Coalition of Peaks, which brings together about 50 Indigenous community peak organisations. In this role she is part of the negotiations for a new agreement on Closing the Gap targets. Unlike the original Rudd government targets, the refreshed Closing the Gap agreement, soon to be finalised, will set out targets for progress…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Michelle Grattan: David Gruen and the race for real-time data

Michelle Grattan: David Gruen and the race for real-time data

Perhaps at no point in Australia's history has the demand for real-time figures been stronger than during the coronavirus crisis. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has stepped up its efforts to get data fast, to help inform the government's COVID-19 decision-making. David Gruen, the Australian Statistician and ABS head, in this podcast tells how the bureau has used small, quick surveys to mine timely…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Treasurer Josh Frydenberg on saving Australia's tourism and construction industries

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg on Australia’s tourism and construction industries

As Australia slowly emerges from isolation, the nation's economy is reopening, and even looking rather better than expected. But Australia still faces grim months ahead as unemployment numbers grow and the true extent of business survival rates emerge. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg described the economic data as sobering when he recently gave an update to parliament. In this podcast, Frydenberg says there…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Jim Chalmers on JobKeeper's flaws and the Eden-Monaro byelection

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Jim Chalmers on JobKeeper’s flaws and the Eden-Monaro byelection

Labor will campaign on the flaws in the JobKeeper program in the Eden-Monaro byelection, shadow treasurer Jim Chalmers says. "There will be so many people from Eden-Monaro who would have heard the Prime Minister say that there would be wage subsidies only to find out that they've either been deliberately or accidentally excluded from those wage subsidies, who can't understand why someone who might…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Democratic Fundamentals: the role of the APS in a post-COVID-19 world


In the latest Democratic Fundamentals, Renée Leon, former Secretary of the Commonwealth Department of Human Services, and Peter Shergold, former Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, discuss the challenges and opportunities for the APS as the world eases restrictions with hosts Mark Evans and Michelle Grattan. Democratic Fundamentals is produced in partnership with Democracy…

2 Hosts: Michelle Grattan and Mark Evans

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Paul Kelly on the risk of a COVID-19 second-wave

Paul Kelly on the second-wave of coronavirus

Speaking as an expert in epidemiology, Deputy Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly is candid about the prospects of a second-wave of coronavirus in a society that hasn't developed herd immunity. "There is a very large risk of a second wave. We need to do this very carefully," he says, as Australia starts to roll back restrictions. "We are potentially victims of our own success here because we have been…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Nev Power on the role of business in a post-coronavirus world

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Nev Power on the role of business in a post-coronavirus world

Nev Power, former head of "Twiggy" Forrest's Fortescue Metals Group, is now the Chairman of the government's National COVID-19 Coordination Commission. The commission, set up by Scott Morrison in March, is working on mitigating the effects of the virus on jobs and businesses, and exploring opportunities to help get the country moving again in the post-virus future. This week the national cabinet was…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Katy Gallagher on the Senate's coronavirus watchdog

Senator Katy Gallagher on the government’s response to the COVID-19 crisis

Labor's Katy Gallagher is chair of the Senate committee that will assess the government's handling of the coronavirus crisis, both its economic and health challenges. It is set for the deep dive, having a final reporting date of mid-2022. With parliament currently sitting only in fits and starts, Gallagher considers the committee a "key accountability vehicle". "We don't want political grandstanding…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on his autobiography, 'A Bigger Picture'

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on his autobiography, ‘A Bigger Picture’

In this episode of Politics with Michelle Grattan, former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull gives his frank assessment of Scott Morrison as a former colleague and as prime minister, warns about the right of the Liberal party, and tongue lashes News Corp. As Treasurer, Morrison at times infuriated then PM Turnbull by leaking to the media and "frontrunning" positions before decision were made. "Morrison…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: MPs Tim Watts, Fiona Martin, Clare O'Neil and Helen Haines talk about serving their electorates during the coronavirus crisis

MPs Tim Watts, Fiona Martin, Clare O'Neil and Helen Haines discuss serving their electorates during the coronavirus crisis

Michelle Grattan talks with MPs Tim Watts (Gellibrand, Victoria), Fiona Martin (Reid, NSW), Clare O'Neil (Hotham, Victoria) and Helen Haines (Indi, Victoria) about how they do their job during the pandemic. They discuss the operation of their electorate offices in light of isolation requirements, and recount how the crisis is affecting their constituents. New to podcasts? Podcasts are often best enjoyed…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan