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Displaying 161 - 170 of 179 articles

AAP/Dan Himbrechts

Can the G20 ever realise its potential?

Australians all let us rejoice, for we are to host the G20. Finally, a seat at a big table and a chance to influence world affairs. Even for a government that is not normally noted for its enthusiasm about…
EPA/Diego Azubel

Whatever happened to the pivot?

John Kerry, America’s peripatetic Secretary of State, is on his fifth trip to East Asia since his appointment in early 2013. At one level, this looks like an unambiguous indicator of the United States…
AAP/Julian Smith

The politics of deindustrialisation

Industry policy has suddenly become quite fashionable – or it has as a talking point, at least. Not since the 1980s has there been quite so much discussion of the relative merits of ‘government intervention…
EPA/Jim Lo Scalzo

The most powerful woman in the world

Starting a new job is always a rather nerve-wracking experience. But spare a thought for Janet Yellen: not only does the incoming head of the Federal Reserve assume the mantle of the ‘most powerful woman…

The changing – and timeless – face of poverty

No less an authority on economic affairs than God’s son apparently suggested that ‘the poor will always be with you’. Even the heathens amongst us may be forced to concede that he may have been on to something…
EPA/Oliver Weiken

Asian democracy: still an oxymoron?

A little less than three decades ago, Francis Fukuyama made a very big name for himself by predicting that liberal democracy would sweep the planet. Simply put, in a world freed of the divisive ideology…
AAP/Julian Smith

Ross Garnaut’s dog days

Many people who write for The Conversation like to think of themselves as ‘public intellectuals’, or that they are at least making a contribution to public policy debates. Few can claim to have had anything…

Happy Xmas (war is over)

The First World War is not likely to the primary topic of conversation at many family gatherings this Christmas. That is, of course, as it should be. Anyone reading this is likely to live in a cocoon of…