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The Conversation's politics podcast
Michelle Grattan, Chief Political Correspondent at The Conversation, talks politics with politicians and experts.

Derniers épisodes

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Politicians condemn bad behaviour, and then behave badly

Word from The Hill: Politicians condemn bad behaviour, and then behave badly

As well as Michelle Grattan’s usual interviews with experts and politicians about the news of the day, Politics with Michelle Grattan now includes "Word from The Hill", where all things political will be discussed with members of The Conversation’s politics team. This week they discuss the just-released Jenkins Report on workplace culture in Parliament House. This was commissioned after allegations…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Jenny McAllister on domestic violence

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Jenny McAllister on domestic violence

Labor has announced that in government it would appoint a family, domestic and sexual violence commissioner and also fund 500 new community sector workers to help women at risk or in crisis. Labor spokeswoman Jenny McAllister says more staff are desperately needed. "I visited a service last week in western Sydney that said that over the last year they'd helped around 1200 women who were seeking their…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Christmas can't come too soon for Morrison

Word from The Hill: Christmas can’t come too soon for Morrison

As well as Michelle Grattan’s usual interviews with experts and politicians about the news of the day, Politics with Michelle Grattan now includes "Word from The Hill", where all things political will be discussed with members of The Conversation’s politics team. As parliament is in its final sitting weeks for the year, the religious discrimination bill was put to the coalition party room. Concerns…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Liberal Dave Sharma on 2030 target

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Liberal Dave Sharma on 2030 target

Liberal backbencher Dave Sharma, a former diplomat, is an up-and-comer in his party and one of its moderate voices. Holding the progressive electorate of Wentworth, where formerly Malcolm Turnbull was the member and climate change is a significant issue, Sharma was among those Liberal MPs who pressed Scott Morrison on the 2050 target before Glasgow. In this podcast Sharma discusses climate policy…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: On Morrison's character ratings

Word from The Hill: On Morrison’s character ratings

As well as Michelle Grattan’s usual interviews with experts and politicians about the news of the day, Politics with Michelle Grattan now includes "Word from The Hill", where all things political will be discussed with members of The Conversation’s politics team. This week they discuss Morrison's fall in ratings on character qualities in the latest Newspoll, published in The Australian . The poll ranks…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Chris Bowen says Labor's climate policy will be 'realistic and ambitious'

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Chris Bowen says Labor’s climate policy will be ‘realistic and ambitious’

With the Glasgow conference nearly over and the government promising to release its climate policy modelling before parliament resumes later this month, eyes are turning to Labor for its long-awaited alternative. Climate change spokesman Chris Bowen says the policy will be both "realistic and ambitious" – which of course neatly embraces the debate within Labor about how far to differentiate itself…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Scott Morrison has decided electric cars won't threaten Aussie weekends

Word from The Hill: Scott Morrison has decided electric cars won’t threaten Aussie weekends

As well as Michelle Grattan’s usual interviews with experts and politicians about the news of the day, Politics with Michelle Grattan now includes "Word from The Hill", where all things political will be discussed with members of The Conversation’s politics team. Scott Morrison is gearing up for the election in the first half of 2022. As the country emerges from COVID constraints, the PM is trying…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Scott Morrison's trip blown up by French grenade

Word from The Hill: Scott Morrison’s trip blown up by French grenade

As well as Michelle Grattan’s usual interviews with experts and politicians about the news of the day, Politics with Michelle Grattan now includes "Word from The Hill", where all things political will be discussed with members of The Conversation’s politics team. Scott Morrison's trip to the G20 summit in Rome and COP26 in Glasgow, from which he returns early Thursday, was overshadowed by the drama…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Keith Pitt on the climate plan and coal's future

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Keith Pitt on the climate plan and coal’s future

Resources minister Keith Pitt might have been a "no" when the Nationals debated the government's climate plan but he was a winner in the deal struck between Scott Morrison and the Coalition's minor partner. He has been restored to cabinet, just months after Barnaby Joyce relegated him to the outer ministry. The coal industry faces a bleak future as the world tackles global warming. But Pitt, a forthright…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Scott Morrison's (thin) climate plan for Glasgow

Word from The Hill: Scott Morrison’s (thin) climate plan for Glasgow

As well as Michelle Grattan’s usual interviews with experts and politicians about the news of the day, Politics with Michelle Grattan now includes "Word from The Hill", where all things political will be discussed with members of The Conversation’s politics team. In this week's episode, they canvass the government's plan, released on Tuesday, to get to net-zero emissions reduction by 2050. It relies…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Bridget McKenzie on the need for the Nationals to be noisy

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Bridget McKenzie on the need for the Nationals to be noisy

Bridget McKenzie is a cabinet minister and Nationals leader in the Senate. But her seniority hasn't inhibited her being one of her party's most outspoken advocates demanding protections for the regions before it signs up to the target of net zero emissions by 2050. In this podcast, recorded two days before the Nationals' meeting to consider the results of Barnaby Joyce's negotiations with Scott Morrison…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Phil Honeywood on the challenges of getting international students back

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Phil Honeywood on the challenges of getting international students back

COVID-19 has meant international students have been unable to arrive in Australia to commence their studies, devastating one of our most profitable sectors. We're joined in this podcast by Phil Honeywood, CEO of the International Education Association of Australia to talk about the impact of the pandemic on universities, students, and the economy – and the way forward. Honeywood says the data shows…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Mustering the government's rural rump into the 2050 tent

Word from The Hill: Mustering the government’s rural rump into the 2050 tent

As well as Michelle Grattan’s usual interviews with experts and politicians about the news of the day, Politics with Michelle Grattan now includes "Word from The Hill", where all things political will be discussed with members of The Conversations’s politics team. In this week’s episode, politics + society editor Amanda Dunn and Michelle discuss the tortuous negotiations with the Nationals over the…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Grattan Institute's Tony Wood on managing the shift in climate policy

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Grattan Institute’s Tony Wood on managing the shift in climate policy

The Morrison Government is in the painful throes of a climate policy shift to embrace a target of net zero by 2050, ahead of next month's Glasgow conference. This requires a deal with the divided, noisy, fractious Nationals. We're joined in this podcast by Tony Wood, Director of the Energy Program at the Grattan Institute, to talk about Glasgow, Australia's policy and the fallout from the necessary…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: A prime minister, a prince and the 'last chance saloon'.

Word from The Hill: A prime minister, a prince and the ‘last chance saloon’.

As well as Michelle Grattan’s usual interviews with experts and politicians about the news of the day, Politics with Michelle Grattan now includes "Word from The Hill", where all things political will be discussed with members of The Conversations’s politics team. In this week's episode, they canvass Scott Morrison's signal he now does want to go to Glasgow, as even Prince Charles increases the pressure…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Former judge Stephen Charles slams government's integrity commission model

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Former judge Stephen Charles slams government’s integrity commission model

After Gladys Berejiklian's resignation over an investigation by the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), the debate about the federal government's proposed – but weak – federal integrity commission is heating up. Stephen Charles, a former Victorian judge who is a director of the Centre for Public Integrity, says the Coalition should totally rework its draft model to give it real teeth…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Signs are Scott Morrison wants to avoid Glasgow

Word from The Hill: Signs are Scott Morrison wants to avoid Glasgow

As well as Michelle Grattan’s usual interviews with experts and politicians about the news of the day, Politics with Michelle Grattan now includes "Word from The Hill", where all things political will be discussed with members of The Conversations’s politics team. In this week’s episode, politics + society editor Amanda Dunn and Michelle discuss the dramatic changing of the guard in NSW and the fallout…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: The push to run independents on issues of climate and integrity

Politics with Michelle Grattan: The push to run independents on issues of climate and integrity

With the 2022 election looming, local activists are mobilising in many government seats to sponsor independent candidates. The push – stronger and more organised since the 2019 election – is driven especially by concerns about climate change and integrity issues, as well as the general declining faith in the major parties, There will be substantial money and campaigning help for the more viable independent…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Podcast with Michelle Grattan: Coalition free-for-all over 2050 target

Word from The Hill: Coalition free for all over 2050

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan now includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation politics team. In this episode, politics + society Senior Deputy Editor Justin Bergman and Michelle canvass the internal brawling that's happening – which has included Nationals minister Bridget McKenzie attacking treasurer…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: British High Commissioner Vicki Treadell on AUKUS and climate change

Politics with Michelle Grattan: British High Commissioner Vicki Treadell on AUKUS and climate change

The New AUKUS security agreement has bound Australia even more tightly to the United States and Britain. But it has brought blowback against all three countries from France – which was blindsided by the cancellation of its contract to supply submarines to Australia. On another front, Australia is under intense pressure from its two "great and powerful friends", the US and the UK, to improve its ambition…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Podcast with Michelle Grattan: The Furious French and Porter's fall

Word from The Hill: The Furious French and Porter’s fall

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan now includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation politics team. In this episode, politics + society editor Amanda Dunn and Michelle discuss the intense backlash from France over the Morrison government's AUKUS security deal with the United States and the United Kingdom…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Podcast with Michelle Grattan: Christian Porter's anonymous money pot

Christian Porter’s anonymous money pot

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan now includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation politics team. In this episode, politics + society editor Amanda Dunn and Michelle discuss Christian Porter's extraordinary "blind trust" – where generous benefactors (assuming there's more than one) are helping out with…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Kate Jenkins on the women's agenda

Kate Jenkins on the women’s agenda

In the week of the National Summit on Women's Safety, Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins joins the podcast to discuss progress – and lack of progress – on issues of vital importance to Australian women. Last week, the government passed aspects of Jenkins' Respect@Work report into law. Of the 12 recommendations which called for specific legislative reform, only six were enacted. In particular…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Podcast with Michelle Grattan: A Father's Day backlash hits Scott Morrison

A Father’s Day backlash hits Scott Morrison

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan now includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation politics team. In this episode, politics + society editor Amanda Dunn and Michelle discuss the criticism Scott Morrison has already faced this week. Firstly, his trip to Sydney to visit his family for Father's Day, which…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan

Podcast with Michelle Grattan: Learning to live with COVID

Learning to live with COVID

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan now includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation politics team. In this episode, politics + society editor Amanda Dunn and Michelle discuss the June quarter national accounts, released on Wednesday. While this quarter was better than expected, the September quarter…

1 animateur: Michelle Grattan