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Aberystwyth University

Aberystwyth University has a long-standing reputation as a research-led university. Its researchers are at the forefront of innovation and the impact of the University’s research has far-reaching international benefits. Ranging from combating climate change, improving food quality and food production, promoting human and animal health, to developing artificial intelligence and helping to advance space exploration, Aberystwyth academics are undertaking research which has a transformational impact on the wider world.

95% of the work Aberystwyth University submitted to the last Research Excellence Framework was deemed to be of an internationally recognised standard or higher.


Displaying 181 - 200 of 205 articles

Secrets out? EPA/Dennis Brack

Senate CIA torture report release: expert reaction

The US Senate has released the executive summary of a long-withheld report on harsh interrogation techniques used by the CIA in the post-9/11 era. Previously undisclosed techniques have been revealed and…
You’ve come a long way, baby: David Cameron signs Shimon Peres’s visitors book. EPA/Dan Balitly

Tory attitudes to Israel have a tangled history

Addressing the Israeli Knesset recently, David Cameron proclaimed himself “a British prime minister whose belief in Israel is unbreakable, and whose commitment to Israel’s security will always be rock…
Someone get a fire extinguisher! Just, you know, maybe not Mark Zuckerberg. cibomahto

The internet is on fire but Snowden’s heroes can’t save us

Just ahead of the 25th anniversary of the World Wide Web, Edward Snowden has sent what he hopes will be a strong message to the powers that control the internet in a video link streamed live to South by…
Thailand’s political crisis is spiralling into an intractable conflict. Wally Santana/AP

Thailand may be heading down a violent path of no return

After street clashes between groups of armed protesters on Saturday, many feared that Sunday’s election in Thailand would see an upsurge in violence. Anti-government protesters who opposed the vote had…
Some are more equal than others when it comes to internet access. acroll

Verizon ruling is a major blow to equal internet access

These are wild times for the management and governance of the internet, as is clear from the ruling that came out of the US this week. In a victory for the private sector, the Federal Communications Commission…
No you can’t go back for your iPad. Dave Thompson/PA

How do you evacuate a university during a storm surge?

“Born on a perilous rock” is the title of a classic book by W J Lewis which describes Aberystwyth past and present; last weekend the town fully lived up to this description. To all intents and purposes…


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