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Aston University

Aston University was founded as a Technical School in 1895. It has evolved over the last 120 years to become a research-led university known for world-class teaching quality, strong links to industry and government, and exceptional graduate employability rates. In 2016 Aston celebrates 50 years since the granting of its University Charter. Alec Cameron became Vice Chancellor of the University in the autumn of 2016.

Aston focuses on high quality, exploitable research that has an impact on society through medical breakthroughs, advancements in engineering, policy and practice in government, and the strategies and performance of business. The pioneering research conducted is wide-ranging and includes treatment for type 2 diabetes, entrepreneurship and small business growth, developing renewable energy and improving the delivery of justice with forensic linguistics. 

The University’s investment in applicable research continues with the new Aston Medical School which will train a new generation of doctors. Its strong emphasis on individual scholarships and financial assistance programmes is designed to encourage social mobility within the West Midlands. 

Aston University is based in the centre of Birmingham, home to over 65,000 students and one of Europe’s liveliest and most welcoming cities. 

The University is consistently ranked in the UK’s top 20-30 universities. Aston offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes, and also works with the public and private sector to develop tailored Continuing Professional Development and Foundation Degree programmes.


Displaying 361 - 380 of 380 articles

Kraftwerk perform in the Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall. Yui Mok/PA Archiv

Why I want to offer a university course on Kraftwerk

If there is one band in the world that deserves intellectual exploration, it has to be Kraftwerk. Founded in 1970 in Düsseldorf, the two founding members, Ralf Hütter and Florian Schneider, forever changed…
Opposing this law change is not anti-feminist. shutterstock

Why I oppose a ban on sex-selection abortion

A campaign is underway in the UK to make it illegal to abort a child based on its gender. Proponents say they are worried about women being coerced into terminating female foetuses and that action needs…
Anti-Islamic protesters on the march in Berlin. Bernd Von Jutrczenka/EPA

Behind the rise of Germany’s anti-Islamic street movement

A rally in Dresden has attracted some 18,000 people, all marching under the banner of Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident. The sudden appeal of this group, known as PEGIDA, has…
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Why Nintendo is still the games master at 125

In the world of video games few companies have as long or vivid a history as Nintendo, which turns 125 years old this week. Founded in 1889 as a producer of toys and playing-cards, the company is quite…
Ready to read but playing catch up. Pupils reading via wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock

Steiner schools should adopt modern reading methods

A recent storm has emerged over reports of secret government memos detailing complaints of bullying and racism at Steiner schools in the UK. Steiner schools, built around the philosophy of Austrian educationalist…
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The linguistic clues that reveal your true Twitter identity

Twitter is awash with trolls, spammers and misanthropes, all keen to ruin your day with a mean-spirited message or even a threat that can cause you genuine fear. It seems all too easy to set up an account…
‘One book … can change the world’: Malala Yousafzai. John Blewitt

Malala: pens and books can defeat terrorism

Malala Yousafzai is no ordinary young woman. She has addressed the United Nations, won international prizes and was subject of a short documentary on her life by the New York Times. This is in addition…
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Cute slow loris videos should come with a health warning

There’s no doubt the slow loris is a cuddly cutie from central casting. It is an animal that could easily have been dreamed up in the studios of the Disney Corporation of the 1950s and I’m afraid that…
Girls as young as 12 have been groomed for exploitation by gangs of older men. Martinak15 via Creative Commons

We have to learn more about the victims of child exploitation

Mistakes were made, warning signs ignored and a general ignorance of and, in some cases, indifference to, child sexual exploitation meant that the grooming of young girls for sex had become “widespread…


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