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Cardiff University

Cardiff University is a world-leading, research excellent, educationally outstanding university, driven by creativity and curiosity, which fulfils its social, cultural and economic obligations to Cardiff, Wales and the world.

The University is recognised in independent government assessments as one of Britain’s leading teaching and research universities and is a member of the Russell Group of the UK’s research intensive universities. Among its academic staff are two Nobel Laureates, including the winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize for Medicine, University Chancellor Professor Sir Martin Evans.

Founded by Royal Charter in 1883, today the University combines impressive modern facilities and a dynamic approach to teaching and research. The University’s breadth of expertise encompasses: the College of Humanities and Social Sciences; the College of Biomedical and Life Sciences; and the College of Physical Sciences, along with a longstanding commitment to lifelong learning. Cardiff’s three flagship Research Institutes are offering radical new approaches to neurosciences and mental health, cancer stem cells and sustainable places.

We are pleased to partner with The Conversation to share Cardiff’s work, helping to make our discoveries and expertise, whether in science, technology, culture, politics or social affairs, widely accessible to all.


Displaying 601 - 620 of 905 articles

Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin, Trace fiber from Freud’s couch under crossed polars with Quartz wedge compensator (#1), 2015, unique jacquard woven tapestry, 2.9m x 2m. © Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin

Forensic analysis of skin dust from Freud’s couch leaves much to be desired

In the middle of a rose garden, on a leafy road in northwest London, nestles the Freud Museum – though the petals, in October, are tumbling. The house, at 20 Maresfield Gardens, is the proud bearer of…
New era of straight talking for Labour. And that’s what worries the party’s MPs. UK Media Watch

In a spin: why Seumas Milne is the wrong spokesman for Jeremy Corbyn

When it was announced that Seumas Milne, the Guardian columnist and associate editor, had been appointed as Labour’s executive director of communications and strategy, sections of the press were vitriolic…
Bloodied but unbowed: Charlotte Church at a press conference for the People’s Assembly Against Austerity. Reuters/Phil Noble

How Charlotte Church kept cool in the eye of a tabloid and Twitter storm

I’ve written elsewhere about the effortlessness with which the BBC’s Question Time programme seems to habitually generate controversy. Regular guests, such as George Galloway, David Starkey, Russell Brand…


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