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Charles Darwin University

Charles Darwin University is the only Australian university to offer the full spectrum of education options from senior secondary, through to Vocational Education and Training, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. As the largest tertiary institution in the Northern Territory, CDU offers a fresh approach to education, training, research and knowledge application.


Displaying 81 - 100 of 371 articles

Aparat keamanan menembakkan gas air mata untuk menghalau suporter yang masuk lapangan usai pertandingan sepak bola BRI Liga 1 antara Arema dan Persebaya di Stadion Kanjuruhan, Malang, 1 Oktober 2022. ANTARA FOTO/Ari Bowo Sucipto/tom.

Tragedi Stadion Kanjuruhan: kenapa dan bagaimana stampede menelan begitu banyak korban setelah kompetisi sepak bola?

Berbeda dengan kerumunan di jalan atau lapang tanpa sekat yang memungkinkan massa mundur agar terhindar dari gas air mata, lautan massa dalam stadion tidak bisa mundur begitu saja.

Earth harbours 20,000,000,000,000,000 ants – and they weigh more than wild birds and mammals combined

Invertebrates are “the little things that run the world”. So researchers decided to count all the ants on Earth, to help monitor how they’re coping with environmental challenges.
Photo: Jaana Dielenberg

Climate change threatens up to 100% of trees in Australian cities, and most urban species worldwide

Urban plantings are part of the solution to living in warmer cities, but most tree and shrub species in the world’s cities will struggle too. The impacts on liveability could be huge.
Los árboles proporcionan un enfriamiento que puede reducir las altas temperaturas en las ciudades. Jorge Fernández Salas / Unsplash

El cambio climático amenaza la supervivencia de los árboles urbanos en todo el mundo

Las plantaciones urbanas son parte de la solución para mitigar el calor, pero la mayoría de las especies de árboles y arbustos de las ciudades del mundo tendrán problemas para adaptarse a condiciones extremas.
Une des nombreuses allées arborées du cimetière du Père Lachaise, bordée de marronniers. En 2050, cette espèce sera à risque dans les villes de Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux et Montpellier. Akvile Jureviciute Lenoir

Climat : d’ici 2050, 71% des espèces d’arbres en situation de risque à Paris, Bordeaux, Montpellier, Grenoble et Lyon

Si les arbres jouent un rôle de bouclier thermique en ville, ils sont aussi les premiers menacés par les conséquences des changements climatiques, souligne une nouvelle étude conduite dans 78 pays.
Activists hold slogans as they protest against Chinese aggression in the South China Sea outside the Chinese consulate in Makati, Philippines in November 2021. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

As China flexes its muscles in the Indo-Pacific, Canada and Australia must step up

China is posing many challenges to the Indo-Pacific region in 2022. How should Canada and Australia respond?

The Albanese government has committed to enshrining a First Nations Voice in the Constitution. What do Australians think of the idea?

Survey findings bring insight to the general public’s thoughts and concerns of an Indigenous Voice to parliament. What questions still need to be answered to obtain a yes vote in a referendum?
Gilbert’s potoroo, a marsupial that may be extinct in 20 years. Dick Walker/Gilbert’s Potoroo Action Group

We identified the 63 animals most likely to go extinct by 2041. We can’t give up on them yet

The hardest to save will be five reptiles, four birds, four frogs, two mammals and one fish, for which there are no recent confirmed records of their continued existence.

In 20 years of studying how ecosystems absorb carbon, here’s why we’re worried about a tipping point of collapse

As climate change pressures intensify, ecosystems may lose their ability to bounce back from disasters.


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