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Copenhagen Business School

Copenhagen Business School (CBS) was established in 1917. Today, with 20,000 students and 1,500 employees, CBS is one of the largest business schools in Europe and one of the 8 Danish universities


Displaying 1 - 20 of 23 articles

PFAS can be transported through the water cycle and be carried in aerosols within sea spray from the ocean onto land. Jag Deep/Shutterstock

PFAS ‘forever’ chemical laws need an overhaul – recent court rulings highlight the loopholes

A more precautionary approach is required for the regulation of PFAS chemicals, otherwise industries will continue polluting the environment without breaking any laws.
Demander aux enfants nés en France de parents étrangers de faire une démarche pour obtenir la nationalité française réduit de 10 points la probabilité qu'ils se sentent français. Dakota Corbin / Unsplash

Pourquoi rogner sur le droit du sol pourrait se retourner contre la société française

Demander aux enfants d’immigrés nés en France de prouver leur volonté d’être français ne les rendra pas plus attachés à la France comme le montrent des recherches récentes portant sur les années 90.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg prepares to testify in Washington DC, in 2018 concerning revelations about the company’s sharing data with Cambridge Analytica, a consulting firm linked to Donald Trump. Chip Somodevilla/AFP

Debate: The multiple paradoxes of Meta and Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg says he wants the world to be more “open and connected”, but his decision to block archiving the company’s social media content argues otherwise.
Usher, shown speaking in 2019 at an event hosted by the nonprofit he started, and two other celebrities shot five episodes of the canceled series. Paras Griffin/Getty Images

‘The Activist’ reality TV show sparked furor, but treating causes as commodities with help from celebrities happens all the time

The producers are recasting the show as a documentary. The original version would have done more harm than good for the causes being showcased, two scholars argue.
A woman buys hand sanitizer made by Spirit of York Distillery in Toronto on March 19, 2020. The distillery switched their production over to hand sanitizer following the coronavirus shutdown, with all proceeds going to charity. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn

The coronavirus crisis: A catalyst for entrepreneurship

It’s clear that our post-pandemic future will be different. Current signs of good will amid entrepreneurial initiatives give us some cause for optimism.
Today’s advertising executives must get familiar with new technology like Bitcoin and blockchain before they are left behind. Hannah Mckay/Reuters

The blockchain could help advertisers lock up our attention

The blockchain isn’t just for Bitcoin transactions. Advertisers can no longer ignore blockchain’s huge implications for the world of marketing.


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