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George Washington University

Our University actively engages Washington, D.C., and the world. Our location in the heart of Washington places us at the core of U.S. government, policy and law. We sit where the worlds of science, technology, media and the arts converge. Our students and faculty have the unparalleled opportunity to study and work alongside leaders and practitioners in every discipline, to take part in the interchanges that shape our community and the world.


Displaying 121 - 140 of 145 articles

Can Twitter fill in the gaps for social research? Twitter page via

Survey research can’t capture everyone’s opinion – but Twitter can

Understanding public opinion can help officials target messages during a health crisis. But current survey methods aren’t good at generating representative samples. Can Twitter fill in the gaps?
Should the EPA figure the cost of reducing mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants for health reasons? Adam

Justices debate benefits and costs of EPA mercury power plant rule

A Supreme Court case could undo a key piece of the Obama’s environmental agenda, which hinges on whether the EPA should consider the costs of air pollution controls from coal plants.
Still a few kinks to be worked out. Cory Doctorow

Will next-generation wearable sensors make us healthier?

We can already track plenty of body data, but to really make a difference, wearables need to consistently collect clinically valuable information that can be used to improve health.
Obama chose Stanford University, the heart of Silicon Valley, to announce measures to defend cyberattacks. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Obama’s cybersecurity initiative: a start but businesses – and individuals – need to do more

Cybersecurity at the national level requires information sharing across industries and government – emerging models how this can be done effectively.
Sicily, 1943: Whose blood was this U.S. soldier getting? NARA

Desegregating blood: A civil rights struggle to remember

Until 1950 the Red Cross segregated blood. It was thousands of African-Americans during World War II who forced the Red Cross to include them as donors and helped pave the way for activism of the 1960s.
Does King Salman have what it takes? Reuters

New Saudi king should reform economy before it’s too late

Ever since its unification as a nation state in 1932, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been an oil-dominated economy. Most improvements and setbacks in its economic and social indicators can be invariably…
One more SOTU to go Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

The State of the Union 2015 – theater, traditions, politics

Editor’s note: “The state of the union is good,” and the attitude of President Barack Obama in his annual speech to Congress was upbeat. Good economic news and no more election campaigns were the backdrop…
A demonstrator is held down during a simulation of waterboarding outside the Justice Department in 2007. Reuters

Outsourcing war and security: problems and solutions

The release of the CIA Torture Report in December re-opened the debate about using contractors to perform national security functions. Indeed, when Saturday Night Live mocks contractors for their role…
Just one of the Great Society programs: the Civil Rights Act Cecil Stoughton

The speech that launched the Great Society

Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society speech marks a key moment in U.S. history: it called on government and citizens to create a more equal and humane society in ways that still guide our political debates.
A change in a few beads on an abacus could cost millions of jobs, according to critics of a proposed change in accounting rules. Shutterstock

Could a corporate accounting change cost millions of jobs?

A modest change in an accounting rule is normally too much inside baseball to attract notice. But a proposal by the institutions that set accounting standards for publicly traded companies is prompting…
Is it ever okay to depict the assassination of living person? KCNA/Reuters

The Interview, Hollywood and the politics of ridicule

Sony’s decision to cancel the Christmas Day release of its film The Interview is drawing harsh criticism from Hollywood’s elite. George Clooney is asking everyone to stand up against the cancellation…
Fidel Castro during a visit to Washington in 1959. U.S. Department of State

Cuba and US: the long, twisted tale of two countries

The action by President Obama to move toward the normalization of US-Cuba relations is long overdue. The US ruptured ties with Cuba in early January 1961, under President Eisenhower, not only in the context…
Citizens and police officers. Nick Allen

Democratic policing: what it says about America today

The use of lethal force by police officers in Ferguson and Staten Island has raised many concerns about the dynamic between police and citizens and underlined the fact that all time favorite fictional…


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