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Institute for Fiscal Studies

Our goal at the Institute for Fiscal Studies is to promote effective economic and social policies by understanding better their impact on individuals, families, businesses and the government’s finances. Our findings are based on rigorous analysis, detailed empirical evidence and in-depth institutional knowledge. We seek to communicate them effectively, to a wide range of audiences, thereby maximising their impact on policy both directly and by informing public debate.

We are now established as Britain’s leading independent microeconomic research institute, and as authoritative commentators on the public finances, tax and welfare policy, tax law, education, inequality and poverty, pensions, productivity and innovation, consumer behaviour and the evaluation of policies designed to promote development in poorer countries.


Displaying 21 - 26 of 26 articles

In search of better schools. Primary desk via luminaimages/Shutterstock

Scrap school admissions policies based on postcode – they entrench inequality

Why are pupils from disadvantaged families more often found studying in poorly performing schools? Is it the choices their parents make, or are they not able to get into better ones? Perhaps families are…
We’ll be able to do this all over again. Chris Ison/PA Wire

Student loans should be for life, say universities

Students should be given a lifetime loan allocation that they can use for different undergraduate and postgraduate courses, according to new proposals put forward by a group of universities. The University…
You’d need a lot of these to make a dent in our deficit. Images_of_Money

Raising top tax rate to 50p won’t raise much revenue

Ed Balls, the shadow chancellor, has announced that if elected a Labour government would return the rate of income tax payable on incomes above £150,000 to 50%. What would the effect of this be? The contention…


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