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Laurentian University

Laurentian University is emerging as much more than a primarily undergraduate university. Located in the mineral-rich Sudbury Basin, Laurentian is top-ranked for its expertise and NSERC funding in economic geology and mining-related research. Its freshwater lakes, occupational health and environmental research centres are unparallelled, and its contribution to dark matter research at Sudbury’s SNOLab was crowned with a Nobel Prize in Physics in 2015.

From its solid reputation as an postsecondary destination of choice for English and French undergraduate program offerings and its comprehensive approach to Indigenous research and education, it is making its mark in the research community as a recognized national leader with global reach.

L’Université Laurentienne se classe au 1er rang des universités canadiennes de premier cycle en termes de revenus subventionnés générés par la recherche. Située à Sudbury, en Ontario, sur les territoires traditionnels des Premières Nations d’Atikameksheng Anishnawbek et de Wahnapitae, la Laurentienne se fait un devoir de renforcer les fondements du savoir dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche, ainsi que d’offrir une expérience universitaire unique en français et en anglais, assortie d’une approche globale de l’éducation autochtone.


Displaying 61 - 65 of 65 articles

A scourge of kitchens everywhere, Drosophila melanogaster — the common fruit fly — stares down the electron microscope that captured its image. (Shutterstock)

How to kill fruit flies, according to a scientist

How do you rid your kitchen of pesky fruit flies? A scientist who researches them explains.
Male scientists dominate labs, often with little to no female representation in the work or research subjects. Shutterstock

Sex matters: Male bias in the lab is bad science

Research laboratories are dominated by men, and that’s not only bad for lab culture, it can be dangerous for science.
It ain’t easy being green, especially when your home’s been turned into (other people’s) houses. Andrew Milligan/PA

An amphibian-eye-view of environmental offsetting

In its report published last week, the UK Parliament’s green watchdog, the Environmental Audit Committee, was far from convinced by the government’s proposed policy of biodiversity offsetting. The committee’s…


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