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Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

LMU Munich is one of the leading research universities in Europe, with a more than 500-year-long tradition. We build upon our success in the Excellence Initiative, a Germany-wide competition promoting top-level university research, to enhance our research profile over the next years and strengthen our position at an international level.

The know-how and creative intelligence of our academics form the foundation not only of our success in the Excellence competition, but also of LMU’s outstanding research balance as recognized by many national and international university rankings. The provision of equal opportunities for men and women is a key factor in increasing research and teaching quality over the long term; by implementing targeted equal opportunity measures, we are able to guarantee that the potential of its existing talent is utilized to the full.

Some 700 professors and 3,600 academic staff members conduct research and teach in the university’s 18 faculties, offering a wide and well-differentiated spectrum that covers all areas of knowledge, whether humanities and cultural sciences, law, economics and social sciences, or medicine and the natural sciences. As a genuine “universitas” LMU Munich has the unique opportunity and a deep obligation to deal with the ever more complex questions facing humankind, society, culture, the environment and technology by creating interdisciplinary solutions.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 23 articles


Lagi, emisi CO2 energi fosil cetak rekor tertinggi tahun ini

Kencangnya laju emisi mengurangi jatah CO2 yang bisa kita lepaskan untuk membatasi suhu Bumi 1,5°C. Dengan tingkat emisi saat ini, bujet karbon kita tersisa 7 tahun lagi.
Les émissions de CO2 d'origine fossile continuent d'augmenter, mais le pic semble proche. ChinaTopix/AP/AAP

Les émissions de CO₂ d’origine fossile ont atteint un nouveau record en 2023

Les quantités de CO₂ que nous pouvons encore émettre tout en respectant l’objectif de l’accord de Paris se réduisent à une peau de chagrin : au rythme de 2023, nous aurons épuisé ce budget carbone dans sept ans.

Fossil CO₂ emissions hit record high yet again in 2023

Record emissions are fast shrinking the remaining amount of carbon dioxide we can emit if we are to limit global warming. At current rates, we’ll use up the budget for a 1.5°C outcome in seven years.
Tablet V of the Epic of Gilgamesh located in the The Sulaymaniyah Museum, Iraq. Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP/Wikimedia Commons

AI is helping us read ancient Mesopotamian literature

Generations of readers have experienced the frustration of reading fragments when trying to access classics of ancient Mesopotamian literature.
Le 12 novembre 2022, une jeune femme observe la mine de Garzweiler (Allemagne) où l’on extrait la lignite à ciel ouvert. INA FASSBENDER/AFP

Comprendre les taux record atteints par les émissions de CO₂ en 2022

Aux niveaux actuels d'émissions, il y a 50 % de chances que la planète atteigne la hausse de température moyenne mondiale de 1,5 °C dans les 9 ans à venir.
Marcin Jozwiak/Unsplash, CC BY.

Jumlah emisi karbon tahun ini cetak rekor baru, tugas manusia semakin berat

Pada tingkat emisi saat ini, ada 50% kemungkinan bumi akan mencapai kenaikan suhu rata-rata global 1,5°C hanya dalam sembilan tahun.
Marcin Jozwiak / Unsplash

El aumento de las emisiones globales de carbono se desacelera, pero sigue en niveles récord

Con los niveles actuales de emisiones, hay un 50 % de posibilidades de que el planeta alcance el 1,5 °C de aumento de la temperatura media global en sólo nueve años.
Marcin Jozwiak/Unsplash

Global carbon emissions at record levels with no signs of shrinking, new data shows. Humanity has a monumental task ahead

At current levels of emissions, there is a 50% chance the planet will reach the 1.5°C global average temperature rise in just nine years.
Survivors face ongoing disability and increased mortality risks beyond treatment completion. PUNIT PARANJPE/AFP via Getty Images

Tanzanian TB patients have a lower quality of life than people who haven’t had the disease

To understand the perceptions of TB patients about their quality of life, it’s useful to have a comparison with “apparently healthy” people.
Capturing the public’s attention is about standing out in a crowd of influencers. Peshkova | Shutterstock

Why we still fall for influencers, salesmen and politicians who lie

Social influencers vie for public attention in a crowded market place. This makes the bold and the ruthless even more likely to opt for strategic dishonesty if it will further their interests.
Un homme portant un masque à gaz et une femme portant un masque filtrant l'air s'embrassent à leur fenêtre, sur la Côte d'Azur, le 24 mars 2020. Valéry Hache/AFP

Nous sommes plus enclins à suivre les restrictions sanitaires quand nos proches le font aussi

Une enquête récente montre que les personnes les plus diligentes dans le suivi des directives ne sont pas celles qui sont le plus convaincues du bien-fondé de ces règles.
North America during the late Pleistocene: a pack of dire wolves (red hair) are feeding bison while a pair of grey wolves approach in the hopes of scavenging. Mauricio Antón

Dire wolves went extinct 13,000 years ago but thanks to new genetic analysis their true story can now be told

Our research shows dire wolves lived in the tropics not the Arctic, and were not especially close relatives of the grey wolf.
A health worker spreading disinfectant at a health checkpoint in Goma, DRC. Patricia Martinez/EPA-EFE

Ebola survivors can pass on the virus: we’re trying to understand what role sex plays

Nearly everything known about Ebola virus persistence in the reproductive system has resulted from testing semen of West African Ebola virus disease survivors.


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