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Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences

The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) started as the Dar es salaam medical school in 1963. The school then transformed into the faculty of medicine of the university of Dar es salaam that in 1991 was upgraded and became a college–the Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences (MUCHS).

In 1996, the Faculty of Medicine that was upgraded to a constituent College of the University of Dar es Salaam, with the aim of nurturing it to a full-fledged university later on was merged with the Muhimbili hospital to create the Muhimbili Medical Centre (MMC).

Over the years MUCHS made significant achievements in terms of increased student enrollment and development of several new academic programmes. The Parliament Act No 9 of 1991 that established MUCHS was repealed in 2005 through the universities Act no 7 of 2005.Subsequently, in 2007Article 1 of the Charter of Incorporation established MUHAS; in line with the Universities act no 7 of 2005.

The objectives of the University are the advancement of knowledge, diffusion and extension of technology and learning, the provision of higher education and research and, so far as is consistent with those objectives, the nurturing of the intellectual, aesthetic, social and moral growth of the students at the University.

MUHAS has two campuses: Muhimbili Campus and Mloganzila Campus.

Muhimbili Campus is situated in Ilala Municipality, in Upanga along United Nations Road.

Mloganzila Campus is still new and in the process of development and it occupies 3,800 acres and is located 3 km off Dar es Salaam-Morogoro highway, 25 km from Dar es Salaam.

MUHAS has other facilities including the Bagamoyo Teaching Unit in Bagamoyo district. This facility was established for the purpose of training students during field studies. The unit has a total area of 46,085.7 square metres which has been developed by construction of residential houses, classroom, laboratory, hostel and canteen.

MUHAS has a range of programmes in biomedical, clinical and allied health sciences. These programmes are taught in the five Schools and one academic Institute of the University. The office of Deputy Vice Chancellor Academics, Research and Consultancy coordinates teaching of all academic programmes. The Directorate of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Library Services provide cross-cutting support to all University units in information, communication and technology information management.

1963-1967 :Dar es Salaam Medical School 1968-1969 : Faculty of Medicine, Dar es Salaam University College of the University of East Africa 1970-1990 : Faculty of Medicine, University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) 1976-1990 : Faculty of Medicine incorporated in Muhimbili Medical Centre 1991-2006 :Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences (MUCHS), constituent college of UDSM 2007-Todate :Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS)


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