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Norwegian Institute for Air Research

NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research is an independent, nonprofit institution established in 1969.

Through its research NILU increases the understanding of processes and effects of climate change, of the composition of the atmosphere, of air quality and of hazardous substances.

Based on its research, NILU markets integrated services and products within the analytical, monitoring and consulting sectors. NILU is concerned with increasing public awareness about climate change and environmental pollution.

NILU’s near 200 researchers, technicians and other experts are primarily commissioned by the Research Council of Norway and by Norwegian and international industry and government agencies. The institute takes an active part in the EU’s research programs.

NILU holds a strong position both on the national and international level within its core fields. NILU’s laboratories are among the most advanced in Europe. Also, the institute’s observatories in the Arctic, in Antarctica and in Norway provide important information on global changes of the atmosphere and on long range transport of environmental pollutants.

NILUs main office is located at Kjeller outside Oslo. The institute also has offices and staff at the FRAM – High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment in Tromsoe and is represented at CIENS in Oslo. Internationally, NILU is also established in Poland.


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O fertilizante é a principal fonte de emissões de óxido nitroso, um gás de efeito estufa que aquece o planeta. pixdeluxe/E+ via Getty Images

Aumento da demanda global por fertilizantes e carnes faz emissões do poluente óxido nitroso dispararem

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Fertilizer is a leading source of emissions of nitrous oxide, a planet-warming greenhouse gas. pixdeluxe/E+ via Getty Images

Food has a climate problem: Nitrous oxide emissions are accelerating with growing demand for fertilizer and meat – but there are solutions

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New research: nitrous oxide emissions 300 times more powerful than CO₂ are jeopardising Earth’s future

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