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Nottingham Trent University

Throughout our long history, we have remained true to a mission focused on students’ ambitions and employers’ needs. Today, our close links with employers and strength in employability have gained us a recognised competitive position both nationally and internationally.

Nottingham Trent University is ranked amongst the UK’s greenest universities in the Green League for our environmental commitment. We have 24,000 students and are investing £200 million across our three campuses to create an inspiring learning environment.

Nottingham has a student population of 10% and is the fastest-growing city in the UK for job creation. We are a leading UK university for employability with 95% of our students in employment or further study six months after graduating.


Displaying 181 - 200 of 1030 articles

Simpanse memiliki jiwa sosial yang sangat tinggi, dan penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa mereka juga dapat bersahabat dengan gorila. apple2499/Shutterstock

Riset: simpanse dan gorila bisa hidup damai

Persahabatan antara dua primata yang sangat berbeda ini kemungkinan besar melebihi janji yang Anda buat untuk menjadi sahabat selamanya dengan teman sekolah Anda.
Alena Ozerova/Shutterstock

Apakah semua hewan memiliki pusar?

Beberapa hewan memiliki pusar yang mudah dilihat, tetapi beberapa hewan lainnya memiliki pusar yang lebih sulit dilihat.


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