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Paramadina University

Paramadina University, established on January 10th 1998 in Indonesia, has a mission to nurture science and engineering with a noble consciousness to achieve happiness for all human beings.


Displaying 41 - 52 of 52 articles

Will Indonesian President Joko Widodo listen to requests from heads of state to spare their citizens who are facing the death penalty? EPA/Azhar Rahim

Q&A: will Indonesia listen to pleas to spare people on death row?

Despite local and international pressure to spare the lives of people on death row, Indonesian President Joko Widodo is adamant he will reject requests for clemency for more than 60 convicted drug traffickers…
The Indonesian government is drafting a bill to protect religious minorities in a move to improve the country’s poor record in religious freedom. AAP/Nugroho Kuthit

Is a new law enough to protect religious minorities in Indonesia?

Indonesia, having grappled with problems of religious intolerance and violence, seems to be making efforts to improve religious freedom. Indonesia’s religious affairs minister, Lukman Syaifuddin, is drafting…
As the new Indonesian president, Jokowi will need a hardworking and clean cabinet. EPA/Adi Weda

How will Indonesia’s president put together his new cabinet?

In his speech after being sworn into office, Indonesian President Joko Widodo yesterday called for Indonesians to “work, work and work”. Jokowi, as the president is popularly known, also has to work hard…
Joko Widodo has won Indonesia’s presidential election. AAP Image/Eka Nickmatulhuda

Jokowi confirmed as Indonesian election winner, Prabowo rejects result: experts respond

Joko Widodo has won Indonesia’s presidential election, the Indonesian Election Commission’s (KPU) final tally shows. But his opponent, Prabowo Subianto, refused to admit defeat. Prabowo told a press conference…
The 2014 presidential election has involved prominent use of Islamic cultural and ritual symbols. Warren Goldswain /

Why Islam matters in Indonesian politics

Running for president in Indonesia seemed also to entail having to show off one’s commitment to Islam. The 2014 presidential election featured a prominent use of Islamic cultural and ritual symbols. Both…
Jakarta governor Joko Widodo, pictured with wife Iriana, is in the box seat to be Indonesia’s next president. AAP/Eka Nickmatulhuda

Jokowi wins Indonesian election, exit polls show: experts respond

Jakarta governor Joko Widodo appears to have won Indonesia’s presidential election in a quick count jointly released by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Cyrus. Joko Widodo…
Former military general Prabowo Subianto may not be a reliable protector of human rights in Indonesia if he is elected president. AAP/Zoe Reynolds

Potential foul play in Indonesia’s election

As the contest for the Indonesian presidency becomes too close to call, political scientist Djayadi Hanan says there is a possibility of foul play in Wednesday’s election. “So each side will try any effort…


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