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PIAREA Institute

PI AREA is a company that engaged in services and creative industries to accomplish the needs of private and civil clients. Our commitments are Working Based on Strength, Self-data Management, and Management Effective Planning. PIAREA works on non-academic education and research activities related to capacity building and development, such as training, survey, and mapping services. Since the formal establishment of PIAREA in the mid-2014, PIAREA provided services to help many events/study/research on knowledge sharing activities coordinated by academia, government institutions, and NGO in Indonesia. For example, develop technical guideline (i.e climate change adaptation, and others), concept note of reduce hazardous substance, develop a policy recommendation, and others.

PI AREA has actively organized or involved in organizing many activities and knowledge sharing via workshop or training. The PIAREA team has experience working with junior and high school students on environment knowledge, is familiar with social media and on-line tools (i.e., web based survey, info-graphic, map), has expertise on spatial analysis/mapping, climate scenario development, field surveys, public policy, environmental management, and designing knowledge products (e.g. policy brief, leaflet, programme information, technical guidelines, executive summary, and full report).


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Seorang anak melintasi banjir yang menggenangi pemukiman di kawasan Medan Maimun, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Sabtu (9/4/2022). Hujan yang mengguyur wilayah tersebut sejak Jumat (8/4) malam mengakibatkan ratusan rumah di kawasan tersebut terendam banjir. ANTARA FOTO/Fransisco Carolio/Lmo/YU

Riset: Indonesia bisa tekor lebih dari Rp 301 triliun karena penyakit yang disebabkan oleh perubahan iklim

Indonesia harus siap kehilangan triliunan rupiah karena potensi penyeberan penyakit di masa depan.


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