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UCL was established in 1826 to open up education in England for the first time to students of any race, class or religion. Its founding principles of academic excellence and research aimed at addressing real-world problems, inform the university’s ethos to this day.

More than 6,000 academic and research staff are dedicated to research and teaching of the highest standards. Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 29 former academics and graduates and UCL ranks consistently amongst the most-cited universities in the world.

Read more about UCL

As London’s Global University, UCL has the opportunity and the obligation to use the breadth of its intellectual expertise to help resolve some of the world’s major problems. We are seizing this opportunity to develop an innovative cross-disciplinary research agenda, which will enable us to understand and address significant issues in their full complexity. Our vision extends beyond the common understanding of what a university is; we aim not just to generate knowledge, but to deliver a culture of wisdom – that is, an academic environment committed to the judicious application of knowledge for the good of humanity.

Find out about UCL’s Grand Challenges programme


Displaying 1361 - 1380 of 1531 articles

Californian universities, like Berkeley, lead the world in higher education. Flickr/Roger Wollstadt

Universal education in a tax-free zone: something had to give

California has been the crest of modernity since the end of the second world war. The tendencies and tensions of the times show there first. In only 14 years, California invented student power (Berkeley…
Cream of the crop. Pay slip via ShaunWilkinson/Shutterstock

Hard Evidence: are UK headteachers the highest paid?

While teaching unions continue their campaign for higher pay for teachers, there is less clamour for headteachers to earn better salaries. With reports that 40 headteachers are paid more than the prime…
Extreme weather is more common than ever. EPA

How does the IPCC know climate change is happening?

Climate change is one of the few scientific theories that makes us examine the whole basis of modern society. It is a challenge that has politicians arguing, sets nations against each other, queries individual…
Wanted: a new kind of economics. Jonathan Brady/PA Wire

Building a new economics for the #Occupy generation

After the global financial crisis in 2008, economics was in disarray. Even the Queen was moved to chide economists for failing to warn about the build-up of debt in households and banks in the major economies…
Some think it’s the time of the year. EPA

Could there really be such a thing as volcano season?

The Earth seems to have been smoking a lot recently. Volcanoes are currently erupting in Iceland, Hawaii, Indonesia and Mexico. Others, in the Philippines and Papua New Guinea, erupted recently but seem…


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