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Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City/Tijuana

Committed to the Society of Jesus , more than 75 years after its creation, the IBERO has dedicated itself to training the men and women that Mexico needs. Her educational leadership has gone beyond the classroom and has placed her as one of the best private universities nationally and internationally.

Without losing sight of its own history and the characteristics of its educational model, the IBERO has adapted to the times oriented towards a global and intercultural perspective indispensable for the development of the integral man that is indicated in our Educational Philosophy.

Although many of its members are encouraged by Christian principles, IBERO respects and accommodates all ideology, and does not intend to use its academic activities for the benefit of any particular doctrine.

For this reason, while its educational model has been exemplary in the teaching and learning processes determined by the way of being and proceeding of the Jesuits, their academic programs have been recognized and accredited by important national and foreign organizations. In that sense, IBERO has become the best educational option because for those who know how to choose, there is no competition.

Academic excellence, emotional maturity, ethical responsibility and experience of transcendence, are just some of the characteristics of the educational model that trains professionals who, upon graduation, remain an essential part of the IBERO educational project, because in the exercise of their profession they endorse Daily the university principles that distinguish us: academic leadership and social commitment.

Recognized in Mexico and abroad as one of the most important private higher education institutions in the country, the Universidad Iberoamericana offers a wide spectrum of academic programs, designed to meet the demands of human and professional training demanded by our students and society.

The IBERO offers 36 undergraduate programs , six undergraduate and 44 graduate degrees : 11 doctorates, 28 masters and five specialties. There is also a vast number of graduates and courses , in addition to languages.

Also, on August 16, 2010, Ibero expanded its educational offer to the upper middle level, with the opening of Prepa Ibero , which in January 2017 opened the doors of its new campus, with an area of ​​215 thousand square meters, located in Road to Salazar, in Lerma, State of Mexico, 20 minutes from the Ibero, Santa Fe.


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Pourquoi la vidéo en direct sur Instagram a explosé pendant le confinement

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