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University of Cape Town

Located on the slopes of Devil’s Peak in Cape Town, the University of Cape Town is a leading, research-intensive university in South Africa and on the continent, known for its academic excellence and pioneering scholarship. The university is home to a third of South Africa’s A-rated researchers (acknowledged by the Department of Science and Technology as international leaders in their field) and a fifth of the country’s national research chairs. UCT encourages students and staff to use their expertise to speed up social change and economic development across the country and continent, while pursuing the highest standards of excellence in academic knowledge and research: developing African solutions to African challenges that are also shared by developing nations around the world.

UCT, like the city of Cape Town, has a vibrant, cosmopolitan community drawn from all corners of South Africa. It also attracts students and staff from more than 100 countries in Africa and the rest of the world. The university has strong partnerships and networks with leading African and other international institutions - helping to enrich the academic, social and cultural diversity of the campus as well as to extend the reach of UCT’s academic work.


Displaying 661 - 680 of 1003 articles

Some homes in Cape Town are now harvesting rainwater from their roofs. Flickr/Inhabitat

How the world needs to change as regions get drier

Water is increasingly becoming scarce as the climate changes. There are four changes that cities can make to adapt to water scarcity.
Jejak kaki Kayentapus ambrokholohali, binatang dengan panjang tubuh sekitar 8-9 meter, mengecilkan seluruh kehidupan di sekitarnya. Theropod image adapted by Lara Sciscio, with permission, from an illustration by Scott Hartman

Bertemu dinosaurus raksasa yang menghuni Afrika selatan 200 juta tahun lalu

Tim kami secara tidak terduga mengungkap bahwa dinosaurus karnivora yang sangat besar dengan perkiraan panjang tubuh 8-9 meter juga hidup di Afrika bagian selatan.
Data should be open, shareable - but not at the expense of African researchers and communities. Shutterstock

Africa must keep its rich, valuable data safe from exploitation

A focus on collaboration among African universities and research institutions is crucial in developing national policies that meet the principles of open data while keeping it safe from exploitation.
Carefully tracking the migration habits of birds like the Barn Swallow can help to conserve these species. Shutterstock

Why a proper record of birds in Africa is so important – for Europe

If Europe is going to reap the benefits of conservation measures at home, its experts need an understanding of where “their” birds migrate to when they head off to Africa.
Biomedical innovations can work with traditional methods like x-rays to guide doctors’ decisions. Reuters/Adriane Ohanesian

Africa needs to start creating its own medical technology. Here’s how

African countries need to start producing and developing their own medical devices. Suitably skilled biomedical engineers are needed for this sort of innovation to take root.
South Africa’s Police Minister Fikile Mbalula’s biggest challenge is to ensure that criminals are brought to book. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

South African crime stats show police struggling to close cases

Poor leadership in crime intelligence and a struggling detective service are affecting the ability of South Africa - where a murder happens every 28 minutes - to bring down crime.
Getting access to a university doesn’t necessarily mean feeling comfortable in that space. Ian Barbour/Flickr

A South African case study: how to transform student support efforts

Students experience intense feelings of discomfort, confusion and even embarrassment at being classified as “different” and an “anomaly” alongside the norm of white academic success.
Kayentapus ambrokholohali footprints belong to an animal of about 26 feet long, dwarfing all the life around it. Theropod image adapted by Lara Sciscio, with permission, from an illustration by Scott Hartman

Meet the giant dinosaur that roamed southern Africa 200 million years ago

Until this discovery, theropod dinosaurs were thought to be considerably smaller, at three to five metres in body length, during the Early Jurassic.
The National Research Foundation doesn’t have enough money for the growing number of researchers who qualify for “incentive” funding. Shutterstock

Money woes force South Africa to revisit how it rewards researchers

South Africa’s National Research Foundation will dramatically scale back “incentive” funding to rated researchers, both those who already have a rating and those who will be rated in the future.


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