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University of Cape Town

Located on the slopes of Devil’s Peak in Cape Town, the University of Cape Town is a leading, research-intensive university in South Africa and on the continent, known for its academic excellence and pioneering scholarship. The university is home to a third of South Africa’s A-rated researchers (acknowledged by the Department of Science and Technology as international leaders in their field) and a fifth of the country’s national research chairs. UCT encourages students and staff to use their expertise to speed up social change and economic development across the country and continent, while pursuing the highest standards of excellence in academic knowledge and research: developing African solutions to African challenges that are also shared by developing nations around the world.

UCT, like the city of Cape Town, has a vibrant, cosmopolitan community drawn from all corners of South Africa. It also attracts students and staff from more than 100 countries in Africa and the rest of the world. The university has strong partnerships and networks with leading African and other international institutions - helping to enrich the academic, social and cultural diversity of the campus as well as to extend the reach of UCT’s academic work.


Displaying 101 - 120 of 1001 articles

Students from the University of Johannesburg: finding jobs even for graduates is tough in South Africa. Photo by Luba Lesolle/Gallo Images via Getty Images

South Africa’s relief grant: how it can be used to help young people into jobs

There’s a case to be made for combining cash grants and job-search assistance services.
Protestas contra el gobierno de Dina Boluarte en Lima (Perú) el 19 de enero de 2023. Shutterstock / Joseph Moreno M

Perú casi dos meses y más de 60 civiles muertos después

El hecho de que las movilizaciones y la inestabilidad en muchos países latinoamericanos se haya extendido demasiado en el tiempo debe hacernos pensar en cómo algunos gobiernos resuelven sus tensiones. Hay dos opciones: usar la fuerza o usar el diálogo. Perú parece que ha optado por la represión.


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