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University of East Anglia

The University of East Anglia (UEA) is an internationally renowned university based in a campus that provides top quality academic, social and cultural facilities to over 13,000 students.


Displaying 221 - 240 of 492 articles

Des agriculteurs participent à une manifestation contre les récentes réformes agricoles du gouvernement central en bloquant une autoroute à la frontière de l'État de Delhi-Haryana, à Singhu, le 29 décembre 2020. Sajjad Hussain/AFP

En Inde, les paysans aspirent à un renouveau démocratique

Le mouvement social d’une ampleur inédite qui agite aujourd’hui l’Inde replace au cœur du débat la question agraire et le futur de millions de personnes.
Fruit and vegetables at a market in Kenya. The WHO is pushing for consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, fish and unsaturated fats. Shutterstock

Why healthy food and its local production should be part of the COVID-19 response

When a pandemic hits, questions that immediately arise include what impact there will be on public health, the economy and other aspects of society. Another set of questions involves response priorities…

Global emissions are down by an unprecedented 7% — but don’t start celebrating just yet

The pandemic, along with other recent trends such as the shift towards clean energy, have placed us at a crossroad: the choices we make today can change the course of global emissions.
Experts say encouraging physical activity should be a priority. Getty Images

Getting people more active is key to better health: here are 8 areas for investment

Being physically active is largely not an individual choice, but a result of what funds, spaces, places and opportunities are available to the individual and communities.
Number three: Donald Trump at the swearing in of Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court. She is the third justice he has appointed to the court. Ken Cedeno/EPA

Where the politicisation of the US Supreme Court could lead

Republicans won the recent battle over nominations to the US Supreme Court with the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett. The loser might be the court itself.


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