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University of Florida

The University of Florida is a top-10 public, land-grant research university and the state’s oldest and most comprehensive higher education institution. With 16 colleges and more than 170 research centers and institutes on its Gainesville campus, UF is among the nation’s six most academically diverse universities.

A member of the prestigious Association of American Universities, UF is consistently ranked among the nation’s best institutions: No. 8 in U.S. News & World Report’s “Top Public Schools” (2019); No. 1 in the Times Higher Education rankings for graduate employability (2016); No. 2 in Kiplinger’s “Best Values in Public Colleges” (2018); and No. 10 on the Forbes list of best value public universities (2019).

UF is a leader in research and discoveries which improve the lives of individuals throughout the state, nation and world. Its 6,000 faculty members conducted a record $865 million in research in 2018, with major funding from the public and private sectors. These research collaborations occur in diverse fields that include human, animal and agricultural life sciences, engineering and the physical and social sciences.

The university is also recognized as an international leader in technology commercialization, dating back to its development of the sports drink Gatorade in the 1960s. UF Innovate is regularly ranked among the top 10 institutions in the nation for technology licensing, patents and start-ups, as ranked by the Association of University Technology Managers, and its two business incubators have been named best in the world on several occasions.


Displaying 221 - 240 of 497 articles

The neighborhood known as The Mudd suffered disproportionate damage, a reflection of the Bahamas’ history. AP Photo/Fernando Llano

Risk rooted in colonial era weighs on Bahamas’ efforts to rebuild after Hurricane Dorian

It’s now officially the end of hurricane season, but the rebuilding of the Bahamas continues, slowed by the risks imposed by a history of colonialism and class division.
Scientists are using gene editing to make better cancer treatments. Lightspring/

How gene-edited white blood cells are helping fight cancer

In a new study, a team of US scientists have used gene editing to change the genetic code of white blood cells and transform them into more efficient tumor fighting cells. How did they do it?
Distribution of public goods like solar panels can be influenced by political elements. Wikimedia Commons

How Ghanaian civil servants sought to resist political pressure

Contrary to stereotypes of nepotism and corruption, African governments such as Ghana’s work hard to respond to need over politics. They can mostly resist politics, but not entirely.
New research shows a small portion of community college students are able to transfer to selective schools. Jennifer G. Lang/

Community colleges open the door to selective universities

While selective universities may be elusive for many students, going to a community college first can represent an alternative way to get in, new research has found.
Mardi 9 octobre, des manifestants ont afflué massivement dans la capitale Quito pour protester contre la hausse des prix du carburant. Martin Bernetti / AFP

En Équateur, l’avenir incertain du Président Lenín Moreno

La crise en Équateur pourrait fragiliser le gouvernement de Lenín Moreno au profit de l’ex-président, son rival, Rafael Correa.
Manifestantes indígenas tomaron este martes el edificio de la Asamblea Nacional de Quito (Ecuador). EFE/ José Jácome

El incierto futuro de Lenín Moreno en Ecuador

Ecuador atraviesa una grave crisis política y económica. En un contexto de graves protestas callejeras y mientras se tambalea el gobierno de Lenín Moreno, su antecesor, Rafael Correa, bajo sospecha por varios asuntos de corrupción durante su mandato, se presenta como el gran sanador de las heridas de este país.
The Paraguayan Chaco, South America’s second largest forest, is rapidly disappearing as agriculture extends deeper into what was once forest. Here, isolated stands of trees remain amid the farms. Joel E. Correia

South America’s second-largest forest is also burning – and ‘environmentally friendly’ charcoal is subsidizing its destruction

The cleared land of Paraguay’s Chaco forest produces everyday products like charcoal and leather that are sold abroad to consumers who may never know the unsavory origins of their purchases.
Tidak apa-apa, saya pemakan fitoplankton: Hiu paus di Indonesia. Marcel Ekkel/Flickr

Pekan Hiu: Hal-hal yang sering diabaikan tentang hiu

Pemberitaan sering melebih-lebihkan risiko serangan hiu bagi manusia. Padahal, lebih dari 500 spesies hiu tidak pernah menyerang manusia, bahkan ada banyak yang bisa dipelajari tentang mereka.
New data show more girls and minority students are taking advanced computer science courses in high school. Monkey Business Images/

Boost in high school students taking advanced computer science could change the face of tech

New data show more girls and minority high school students taking Advanced Placement courses in computer science. A computer science professor weighs in on what that means for the future of the field.
The Muslim pilgrimage known as the hajj is both a religious mandate and a symbolic act of unity with Muslims worldwide. Reuters/Ahmad Masood

The Muslim Hajj: A spiritual pilgrimage with political overtones

Millions of Muslims will convene in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on Aug. 9. The annual five-day pilgrimage, known as the hajj, is required of all Muslims who can physically and financially make the journey.
It’s OK, I’m a filter feeder: Whale shark off Indonesia. Marcel Ekkel/Flickr

Shark Week looms, but don’t panic

Media coverage of sharks often exaggerates risks to people, but more than 500 shark species have never been known to attack humans, and there’s lots to learn about them.
Pulses of light followed by extended dark periods might help make indoor agricultural production more sustainable. DutchScenery/

Micro-naps for plants: Flicking the lights on and off can save energy without hurting indoor agriculture harvests

Indoor plant factories have high energy costs since LEDs replace the sunlight outdoor plants get for free. Scientists found a way to dial back how much light is needed by breaking it into tiny bursts.
A male Olive-backed Euphonia (Euphonia gouldi), photographed in Costa Rica. Andy Morffew

Why do birds sing?

Birds spend a lot of time and energy singing, but they don’t do it the same way in every season of the year. And some can’t sing at all. What’s the purpose of birdsong?


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