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University of Freiburg

The University of Freiburg is a public research university located in Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It specialises in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences.

Already a comprehensive university at its founding in 1457, the University of Freiburg still offers undergraduate and graduate studies as well as professorial qualification in all important disciplines today: the humanities, natural and engineering sciences, medicine, law, and theology. This diversity also provides an ideal environment for innovative interdisciplinary studies. Many famous philosophers, top researchers, and Nobel laureates have taught and researched at the University of Freiburg. The university’s recent success in the “Excellence” competitions, 2007 for research and 2009 for instruction, testifies to its position as one of the leading universities of the 21st century. More than 24,000 students from over 100 nations are matriculated in 180 degree programs at 11 faculties. More than 7,000 professors and lecturers and many other employees put in their effort every day – and experience that family friendliness, equal opportunity, and environmental protection are more than just empty phrases here.


Displaying 21 - 38 of 38 articles

Eritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki (left), Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (right) and Somalia’s President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed.

Why a proposed Horn of Africa bloc could destabilise the larger region

The proposed cooperation promises to address transnational problems within the three countries but it might alienate the rest of East Africa.
Gambar mikroskopis fluoresens dari pembuluh darah yang baru terbentuk setelah injeksi hidrogel berbahan dasar rumpur laut pada otot. Warna hijau menunjukkan pembuluh darah sedangkan warna biru menunjukkan inti sel. Aurelien Forget, Roberto Gianni-Barrera, Andrea Banfi and Prasad Shastri

Rumput laut bisa merangsang pertumbuhan pembuluh darah

Luka kecil biasanya dapat sembuh dengan sendirinya, namun luka yang lebih besar dapat menjadi masalah. Dengan bantuan rumput laut, kita dapat membantu tubuh meregenerasi pembuluh darah baru.
Image obtenue par microscopie à fluorescence des vaisseaux sanguins formés après injection intramusculaire d'un hydrogel dérivé d'algues marines. Vert: vaisseaux sanguins, bleu: noyaux cellulaires. Aurelien Forget, Roberto Gianni-Barrera, Andrea Banfi, Prasad Shastri

Créer de nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins avec des algues comestibles

La greffe c’est bien, construire des organes entièrement opérationnels en laboratoire c’est mieux, améliorer nos capacités de régénération, c’est génial !
Fluorescence microscopy image of the newly formed blood vessels after injection of our seaweed-derived hydrogel in a muscle. In green are the blood vessels and in blue the cell nuclei. Aurelien Forget, Roberto Gianni-Barrera, Andrea Banfi and Prasad Shastri

Edible seaweed can be used to grow blood vessels in the body

Small wounds can usually heal by themselves, but larger wounds can be a problem. With a little help from a seaweed we can help the body regenerate new blood vessels.
Gambian refugees on a wooden boat. Thousands of Africans make the perilous journey across the Mediterranean each year hoping for a better life in Europe. Emma Farge/Reuters

Returning migrants to The Gambia: the political, social and economic costs

Gambia became a symbol for democratic change earlier this year when former dictator Yahya Jammeh was peacefully ousted through the ballot box. Now Europe wants its Gambian immigrants to return home.
Internally displaced people wait to collect tarps at a camp in Mubimbi, the Democratic Republic of Congo. Jana Asenbrennerova / Reuters

Europe’s migration ‘partnerships’ with Africa need a new direction in 2017

As long as the EU strikes deals with dictators and pushes trade agreements that worsen the economic situation in many African countries, attempts to reduce migratory pressure will fail.
Data about farms’ financial situation as well as the weather could help identify those most vulnerable to drought. Bidgee/Wikimedia Commons

Drought forecasting isn’t just about water – to get smart we need health and financial data too

Forecasting drought should be about more than weather – to help those likely to be hit hardest, we need financial and even health data too.


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