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University of Glasgow

The University of Glasgow has been inspiring people to change the world for over 550 years and is a member of the prestigious Russell Group of leading UK research universities. As a world top 100 university with annual research income of more than £181m and overall student satisfaction rate of 91%, the University of Glasgow is committed to delivering world class research at the same time as the highest standards of teaching and education.


Displaying 261 - 280 of 590 articles

Isu air adalah masalah global dan para pemimpin di negara maju dan berkembang harus memperhatikan hal ini.

Bagaimana membuat pemimpin dunia memperhatikan isu air

Tidak ada satu pun Hari Air Sedunia selama 25 tahun terakhir yang berfokus pada bagaimana air menjadi prioritas agenda politik negara untuk jangka panjang.
Water problems are a global issue and policymakers in both developed and developing countries should focus on them.

How to make water issues matter to world leaders

Not a single World Water Day over the past 25 years has focused on how water could be put high up on the political agendas of countries on a long-term basis.
Labor wants housing to be a federal election issue, but to solve the problems of recent decades Australian governments need to comprehensively rethink their approach. Julian Smith/AAP

Housing policy reset is overdue, and not only in Australia

The problems with housing systems in Australia and similar countries run deep. Solutions depend on a fundamental rethink of our approach to housing and its central place in our lives and the economy.
As income inequality is growing in many countries, associated social problems are also getting worse. from

How a default union membership could help reduce income inequality

Research suggests union membership by default could help reduce income inequality and its associated social ills.
Cornel Zuegler

Was Tolkien really racist?

Recent accusations of racism are at odds with the values of friendship, altruism and courage exemplified in his books. Was Tolkien simply a product of his time?
Modern slaves are not kept in literal chains, but this does not justify being oblivious to it. Consumers should care about how a product is made. Shutterstock

We all buy slave-made products: here’s how we avoid feeling guilty

Hidden slavery is a growing global problem but we continue to turn a blind eye and embrace a seemingly insatiable demand for fast, cheap goods and services.


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