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University of Glasgow

The University of Glasgow has been inspiring people to change the world for over 550 years and is a member of the prestigious Russell Group of leading UK research universities. As a world top 100 university with annual research income of more than £181m and overall student satisfaction rate of 91%, the University of Glasgow is committed to delivering world class research at the same time as the highest standards of teaching and education.


Displaying 501 - 520 of 588 articles

When once Moscow and Beijing had much in common, now they may be diverging again. Toa55

Russia’s borders: Chinese sympathy for Moscow will only stretch so far

This week our series on Russia’s relations with its neighbours reaches China, Moscow’s one-time great communist rival with whom it found much in common in the opening years of the 21st century. Neil Munro…
You never know what you’ll find when you rifle through a box of war diaries. PA

Digital records take something precious from military history

Digital networks and databases appear to crush historical distance. Archives of war increasingly come to us. A simple YouTube search throws up a chaotic mix of official and unauthorised, user-generated…
Under the microscope. NIAID

Explainer: is the Ebola virus mutating?

The world has been keeping a very close eye on the Ebola virus for nearly a year now following the extraordinarily large outbreak seen in Western Africa, which has so far killed more than 8,000 people…
Alexis Tsipras is on track to win the Greek election. thierry ehrmann

Why are European leaders so afraid of Greece’s Syriza party?

The calling of a snap election in Greece for January 25 has been met with great concern in political circles, prompted direct interventions by top European officials and alarmed markets and credit rating…
Friends and relatives attend the funerals of Maria Jose and Sofia Alvarado EPA

Why the murder rate in Honduras is twice as high as anywhere else

On November 19, the bodies of sisters Maria Jose and Sofia Alvarado were found dumped in a grave outside the provincial town of Santa Barbara in western Honduras. In a country that has the highest murder…
When it comes to housing, perspective is crucial. San Francisco. Andrew Halliday

Deconstructing our hopes for self-regulating house prices

There is a nice weather map cartoon by Matt featuring the UK characterised by the varied intensity of dinner table house price conversation. And it is not just that we are obsessed with property values…
Jeremy Forrest was extradited in weeks with a European Arrest Warrant. Gareth Fuller/PA

Why the UK must not ditch the European Arrest Warrant

The UK government is currently deciding whether it should continue to opt in to the European Arrest Warrant – an agreement that allows European countries to extradite criminal suspects between member states…
Should others follow the lead of the country with one of the oldest universities in Europe? Jan Beckendorf

How Germany managed to abolish university tuition fees

If Germany has done it, why can’t we? That’s the question being asked by many students around the world in countries that charge tuition fees to university. From this semester, all higher education will…
Time to run. Mytoenailcameoff

Rabies – a global killer that dog jabs can eliminate

Chacha, a farmer and businessman from northern Tanzania, returned home from market one afternoon to find that his family’s newly adopted puppy had bitten five of his children. The puppy had been playful…
Look who’s back… Stefan Rousseau/PA

Gordon Brown’s political resurrection

In the last three weeks of the Scottish referendum campaign, Gordon Brown had already emerged as the galvanising force on the No side. This reached new heights on Wednesday in Glasgow when he made what…


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