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University of Kent

The University of Kent is one of the UK’s top 20 institutions producing world-class research, rated internationally excellent, and leading the way in many fields of study.

Established in 1965, Kent – the UK’s European university – now has almost 20,000 students across campuses in Canterbury and Medway, and study centres in Tonbridge, Brussels, Paris, Athens and Rome.

It is a leading research-intensive UK university creating a global student and staff community that advances knowledge and stimulates intellectual creativity, and performs at the highest levels.

Kent believes in the unity of research and teaching, in the freedom and responsibility that staff have to question and test received wisdom, in the transforming power of higher education, in acting with integrity, and the value of an inclusive and diverse university community.

It is committed to growing, shaping and supporting the regions in which it operates so that it may have a positive social, cultural and economic impact.

Along with the universities of East Anglia and Essex, Kent is a member of the Eastern Arc Research Consortium (


Displaying 501 - 520 of 527 articles

Good grief. Have you checked out the small print on this deal? Machine Project

Time for some truth about who is feeding off our NHS data

The UK government has decided to hold off on plans to upload GP records onto a central database for six months. But it may have to drop the plan permanently unless it can provide satisfactory answers to…
Night of excess - which is unlike the Swiss. AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus

Swiss vote for cap on migrants has government tied in knots

Like many others, including Christoph Blocher – the de facto leader of the Yes campaign – I was surprised by the result of Switzerland’s February 9 vote on stopping “mass immigration”. Polls suggested…
Can you ever be anonymous in your doctor’s surgery if your doctor isn’t? MTSOfan

Your NHS data is completely anonymous – until it isn’t

The debate about uploading nearly all data from UK medical practices to a national database continues to cause concern. Responding to fears that the information held in the database will put…
NHS systems are groaning under the weight of big data and that’s bad for patients. Trevor Pritchard

Outdated laws put your health data in jeopardy

Given the heightened sense of concern about our personal data following the Edward Snowden revelations, it probably isn’t the best time for the NHS to ask us for more. So it simply hasn’t bothered asking…
Visionary at work? John Stillwell/PA

Ed Miliband banking speech is incomplete, but encouraging

Ed Miliband’s heavily-trailed speech on banking reform was no political game-changer; however, it broadened and deepened his One Nation theme and set out specific policy proposals to help restore Labour’s…
Disabling a country’s electricity with the click of a button. usairforce

New cyber-attack model helps hackers time the next Stuxnet

Of the many tricks used by the world’s greatest military strategists, one usually works well – taking the enemy by surprise. It is an approach that goes back to the horse that brought down Troy. But surprise…
Cyber-security takes more than cautious laptop ownership. sridgway

UK trails European neighbours on cyber-security

To my amazement, the latest Eurobarometer survey on Cyber Security across Europe received very little attention in the UK, despite its quite revealing findings. The report shows in no uncertain terms that…
The dark web is under threat. Fir0002

Anonymity will be the next victim of internet censorship

The worrying developments in UK internet freedom over the last year make predictions for 2014 gloomy to say the least. Censorship now affects us all, so we should be thinking about it. And it’s not politically…
Like butter wouldn’t melt: Francis Maude thinks we’re doing pretty well on cybersecurity. Cabinet Office

The UK government is working in a Snowden-free bubble

Anyone who took the time to read the UK government’s latest update on its cybersecurity strategy could be forgiven for thinking that a man called Edward Snowden never existed. Most people who are even…
The big questions in the Snowden saga hinge on who knows what about encryption. Bob Lord

It’s all about cryptography as Rusbridger faces parliament

Despite all the political blustering that has surrounded Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger’s meeting with the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee this week, the real story in the Snowden affair is cryptography…
I’ve always thought that Miliband was a bit extreme … Anthony Devlin/PA

Blocking extremist sites is not the same as fighting child porn

Fresh from its success calling on search engines to block access to child porn, the UK government is turning its attention to terrorism. Ministers are poised to call on internet service providers to block…
Working dawn till dusk to turn $10 billion into dust. US FWS Mountain Prarie

Crushing billion-dollar ivory stockpile is an empty gesture

Confiscated ivory taken from smugglers, traders and tourists by US authorities was crushed to chippings last week, The stockpile of more than six tonnes, amassed since the 1989 international embargo on…
Are search engines really at the front line in the fight against child pornography? GoodNCrazy

Blocks just move child porn under the counter

Google and Microsoft have agreed to install filters on their search engines to prevent them being used to search for child abuse images. Some queries on Google and Bing will be blocked, while others will…
Canaima National Park, home of Angel Falls and many rare and threatened species. tryktern

Failing to protect ‘irreplaceable’ areas threatens species’ survival

Researchers working with the world’s most complete data on threatened species have pinpointed the most irreplaceable regions, whose existence is not only vital to species’ survival, but which are also…
Royal interest in tigers has cut both ways through the years. S. Taheri

Tigers, elephants ask: what have royals ever done for us?

On the face of it the British royal family’s commitment to wildlife conservation is unmistakable. Perhaps the most well-known work is that of Prince Charles, who in May co-hosted a meeting on illegal wildlife…
In the good old days you could spot a robber from his glossy finish. foilman

How to commit a bank robbery (or stop one) using the internet

Two recent incidents have shown that you no longer need to risk life and limb to rob a bank. In September, an attempted cyber-robbery at a London branch of Santander was stopped in its tracks and shortly…
In the meantime, use your hanky. David Jones/PA

A universal flu vaccine is still some time off

After standing in line for the latest year’s flu jab one might wonder why all this in necessary. The answer lies in the flu virus itself and its ability to rapidly evolve and avoid the human immune system…
Who are you calling red? Chris Ison/PA Wire

Miliband pitches for a new centre ground in politics

In his Labour Party conference speech, Ed Miliband planted himself firmly on the left. His big themes of confiscating land from greedy developers, controlling energy prices and imposing a higher minimum…


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