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University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln is a comprehensive public land grant university, a member of the Big Ten Academic Alliance and one of America’s fastest-growing research universities: Nebraska doubled its level of research activity from 2001 to 2015 and ranked ninth on Springer Nature’s international list of Rising Stars in research in 2016. Our faculty are advancing collaborative, inter-disciplinary research in food and water security, ultrafast science, early childhood development, materials and nanoscience and other crucial areas.

Enrollment also is growing fast at Nebraska, reaching all-time highs in each of the past three years. More than 26,000 students are enrolled in Nebraska’s nine colleges, and the 2017 student body was the most diverse in school history. Nebraska also offers one of the nation’s leading undergraduate research programs – backed by more than $1 million dollars in annual funding – where students work directly with faculty doing research that creates new knowledge.

Nebraska approaches the 150th anniversary of its founding with a mission rooted in its status as a land grant university, having national and international influence, students representing every state and more than 100 nations, and as a research university at the forefront of discovery in the humanities and sciences.


Displaying 21 - 37 of 37 articles

Les grands champions ont en général commencé très jeunes leur sport de prédilection. Shutterstock

Cinq clés pour aider vos enfants à développer leurs talents

On attribue des dons hors du commun aux sportifs et musiciens qui excellent. Mais leur réussite doit beaucoup au travail et à l’entourage. Et si tous les enfants étaient des champions en herbe ?
Early starts are key to developing children’s talents, experts say. Eugene Partyzan from

5 ways to develop children’s talents

For a child to excel in a particular field, specific conditions are essential. A scholar of educational psychology explains what those conditions are.
Buzz Aldrin ante la bandera de EE UU plantada en la superficie lunar. NASA / Neil A. Armstrong - Apollo 11 Image Library

¿De quién son la Luna y los demás cuerpos celestes?

Hace 49 años y unos días, el 20 de julio de 1969, astronautas estadounidenses plantaron la bandera de barras y estrellas en la Luna. Un abogado explica las implicaciones, a quién pertenece el satélite y lo que significa para la minería lunar.
Edwin E. ‘Buzz’ Aldrin Jr. poses for a photograph beside the U.S. flag deployed on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission on July 20, 1969. Neil A. Armstrong/NASA/AP Photo

Who owns the moon? A space lawyer answers

Fifty years ago, on July 20, 1969, American astronauts planted a US flag on the moon. A space lawyer explains the implications, who owns the moon, and what it means for lunar mining.
‘Free speech zones’ and other efforts to limit free speech on campus are igniting controversies across the nation. Chad Zuber/

Four campus free speech problems solved

Though free speech on campus is often a divisive issue, solutions are not hard to find, a First Amendment scholar argues.
Stormy Daniels, an adult star, at a local restaurant in downtown New Orleans. AP Photo/Bill Haber

Why the Christian right opposes pornography but still supports Trump

The Christian right’s response to pornography in recent history is complicated. The moral conviction against porn remains strong, but there is also sympathy for its consumers.
Adam and Eve, created by Albrecht Dürer, 1471-1528. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA

Christian sex advice websites offer a peek into evangelical politics

Christian sexuality websites present evangelicalism as a sex-positive religious tradition. At the same time, they also reinforce conservative ideas about same-sex marriages.
The Trump administration will review the status of The Bears Ears National Monument in Utah, one of the country’s most significant cultural sites. Bureau of Land Management

Trump’s plan to dismantle national monuments comes with steep cultural and ecological costs

Trump wants to scale back national monuments on federal lands in the name of boosting the economy. But this would undo decades of investments to manage our cultural and ecological resources.
Two people dress up as Gaydar bots during San Francisco’s 2014 gay pride parade. Scott Schiller/flickr

Debunking the ‘gaydar’ myth

The idea of gaydar, the ability to discern who’s gay and who isn’t, promotes stereotypes. And research purporting to prove its existence is flawed.
Data about farms’ financial situation as well as the weather could help identify those most vulnerable to drought. Bidgee/Wikimedia Commons

Drought forecasting isn’t just about water – to get smart we need health and financial data too

Forecasting drought should be about more than weather – to help those likely to be hit hardest, we need financial and even health data too.


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