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University of Nevada, Reno

The University of Nevada, Reno has been an integral part of the fabric of the state of Nevada since its inception 140 years ago. Founded in 1874 as the Silver State’s land-grant university, the University today is a top-caliber research university, ranked in the top tier of the nation’s best universities. The University offers a broad range of highly competitive degree programs and research opportunities in a world-class setting, and has an enrollment of nearly 20,000 students.


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Carvings made over decades by Basque herders are endangered as their canvas, the aspens, are at risk. Sawtooth Mountains, 2011, Idaho Basque Arborglyphs Collection, Special Collections and Archives, Albertsons Library, Boise State University

Arborglyphs – Basque immigrant sheepherders left their marks on aspen trees in the American West

Herders carved names, slogans, nude silhouettes and more into the trees around them during lonely seasons in the mountains. Now, researchers rush to find and record the arborglyphs before they disappear.
Establishing the financial worth of a river’s fish is complicated when many people don’t sell the fish they catch. Tang Chhin Sothy/AFP via Getty Images

How much is the world’s most productive river worth? Here’s how experts estimate the value of nature

Putting a dollar value on nature has staunch opponents who say it’s morally wrong, but without it, building dams and other infrastructure can run roughshod over vital ecosystems.
An undocumented immigrant from Venezuela kisses the forehead of another immigrant on the island of Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. Dominic Chavez for The Washington Post via Getty Images

Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott pull from segregationists’ playbook with their anti-immigration stunts

In the civil rights era, ‘Reverse Freedom Rides’ were more than just a political stunt. They were part of a systematic effort to deprive Black Americans of their livelihoods and force them out.
Liberia and Sierra Leone actively sought international aid to combat Ebola in 2014, Guinea downplayed the extent of the deadly disease. EFE-EPA/Ahmed Jallanzo

Papers show what lay behind Condé regime’s Ebola denialism in Guinea

President Alpha Condé’s pursuit of mining interests during the Ebola crisis may have foreshadowed his demise as he tightened his grip over power and plundered the state’s wealth.
Government should be held accountable for its role in addressing obesity and diet-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, in South Africa. Shutterstock

How South African food companies go about shaping public health policy in their favour

The food industry’s tactics are designed to reduce the likelihood of the government adopting global recommendations to tackle obesity.
U.S. President Donald Trump, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexico’s President Enrique Pena Nieto hold a news conference before signing the USMCA. The deal, if passed into law, poses dangers to public health. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

The new NAFTA’s assault on public health

The collective public health of Canada, the United States and Mexico will take a hit if the new NAFTA becomes law.
The recent discovery of a First Folio in St. Omer, France brings the total number of known copies to 233. Victoria and Albert Museum, London, National Art Library

The strange fates of the Shakespeare First Folio

The Shakespeare First Folio (1623), the first collected edition of his plays and the sole source for half of them (including Macbeth, Antony & Cleopatra, All’s Well, As You Like It, and The Tempest…
Will the Basque flag ever make it to the United Nations? Chanzi

Basque separatists inch along, watching Catalonia closely

There was a time when Catalan separatists looked at the Basque country enviously. Its independence movement seemed to have a strength and determination that the Catalans lacked. Not anymore. The Catalan…


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