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University of York

The University of York was founded in 1963 with 230 students. It now has around 16,000 students and more than 30 academic departments and research centres.

It is a member of the Russell Group and features regularly in the ranks of the UK’s foremost universities. In the 2014 Research Excellence Framework, York ranked tenth out of 155 UK universities for the impact of its research.

York was named Times Higher Education University of the Year in 2010 for its drive to combine academic excellence with social inclusion, and its record in scientific discovery and investment in the arts and humanities. The University has won five Queen’s Anniversary Prizes for the quality of its research. The University of York places equal emphasis on research and teaching. Students in every department - both undergraduate and postgraduate - are taught and advised by leaders in their field.

The University’s £750m campus investment represents one of the largest capital developments in UK Higher Education and provides new student accommodation, world-class research and teaching facilities, and embedded and stand-alone facilities for businesses. The University has a collegiate system in which most staff and all students are members of one of nine colleges.


Displaying 301 - 320 of 809 articles

Mohandas K. Gandhi à son arrivée à Marseille depuis l'Inde le 11 septembre 1931. A sa droite se tient Madeleine Rolland, soeur de Romain Rolland. A sa gauche se trouve Madeleine Slade ou Mirabehn. Gandhi avait emmené avec lui deux brebis afin de satisfaire sa ration quotidienne de lait. Wikimedia

Pour une société « sans État » et sans violence : Gandhi reste d’actualité

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Dans les manuels scolaires anglais, l'Europe serait présentée sous un angle politique, plutôt qu'économique et culturel. Shutterstock

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Les manuels allemands évoquent l’Europe avec bien plus de détails et sous un angle beaucoup plus positif que les manuels anglais.


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