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Articles on Africa

Displaying 941 - 960 of 1003 articles

If you would like to see a large number of desperately poor people enjoy the joy of a World Cup victory, you should cheer for Nigeria. EPA/Rungroj Yongrit

Stuck for a World Cup team? Shoot for the happiness dividend

Let’s be realistic. Australia is the lowest ranked of the 32 teams in the World Cup, and despite a very creditable performance in its first match against Chile, its chances of making it out of the group…
The swollen Fitzroy River in Queensland, Australia, where heavy rains in early 2011 led to extraordinary regrowth with a global impact. Capt. W. M. & Tatters/Flickr

Record rains made Australia a giant green global carbon sink

Record-breaking rains triggered so much new growth across Australia that the continent turned into a giant green carbon sink to rival tropical rainforests including the Amazon, our new research shows…
Is anyone really listening? EPA/Dai Kurokawa

Boko Haram and the state of failure in Nigeria

Earlier this month, Nigeria marked a most unwelcome anniversary; a year of special measures in the three northern states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe. Located in the north east corner of the country, snug…
Boko Haram’s recent kidnapping of hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Africa’s slavery crisis. EPA/Ruth McDowall

Behind the Boko Haram headlines, slavery in Africa is the real crisis

The mass kidnapping of schoolgirls by terrorist group Boko Haram in Nigeria is neither a new nor rare occurrence, though this does not make it any less shocking. Boko Haram has been active in Nigeria for…
The largest language promotion project the world has ever seen? Chinese teacher/Shutterstock

Why China wants African students to learn Mandarin

While China’s dramatic economic and trade impact on Africa has caught global attention, there has little focus on its role in education. But there are important questions raised by China’s education push…
He may look like a 90-year-old pariah, but Mugabe’s presence is as strong as ever. EPA/STR

Longevity and bling in the court of King Mugabe

The Robert Mugabe who returned from Singapore for his 90th birthday celebrations was sprightly and energised. His Singapore sojourns, officially designated as trips to treat eye problems, invigorate more…
Onward and upward? Guess which is which. EPA/Ntswe Mokoena

While Mugabe cleans house, Zuma repeats old mistakes

At the end of 2012, I published a deliberately surreal novel entitled Joseph Kony and the Titans of Zagreb. In it, using satire and magic realism, I tied together the corrupt destinies of figures on both…
The more the west recognises and protects gay rights, the more African and Asian nations (such as Uganda and India) seem determined to go in the opposite direction. AAP

Should the west be held accountable for gay persecution?

Media coverage of gays and lesbians in 2014 has followed a very different trend to previous years. Rather than good news stories about love and weddings, the majority of reports relate to violence, persecution…
Zimbabweans wait to vote in last year’s referendum that approved a new constitution providing for gender equality in political representation. EPA/Aaron Ufumeli

Women keep democracy’s heart beating in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe

Democracy in Zimbabwe is a troubled creature. Yet Zimbabwean women are leading the way with a democratic agenda that offers inspiration, instruction and, indeed, a critique for Australian democracy. Oxfam’s…
Africa has a youthful population, but so far it has been underutilised in the workforce. Charles Okumu

Africa’s youth can inoculate it from Dutch disease

Africa is the last frontier of a plundered planet, as argued by Oxford economist and Africa expert Paul Collier. When compared with almost all other regions of the world that have already been explored…
Adding up the costs of a free education. Greg Westfall

Free education in Kenya is a failed promise

During the run up to Kenya’s 2002 general elections, presidential candidate Mwai Kibaki promised to make primary education free for all Kenyans. True to his word, when his coalition won the election and…
“Homos” in Uganda can be “male lesbians” in Nigeria – or not. AP

Sex in Africa is more diverse than gay-or-straight

On 13 January the Nigerian president, Goodluck Jonathan, signed a bill against gay relationships, outlawing gay marriage, public displays of same-sex relationships and membership in gay groups. A few days…
Ugandan troops being trained by US Army instructors in 2008. US Dept of Defense

Ugandan intervention holds little hope for South Sudan conflict

As the rival factions in the current conflict in South Sudan are about to sign a ceasefire deal in Addis Ababa, concerns remain that Uganda’s military intervention in the South Sudanese civil war continue…

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