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Articles on Apple

Displaying 401 - 411 of 411 articles

Newly annointed Apple chief Tim Cook with Steve Jobs: just how well will the succession pan out? AAP

The day that had to come for Apple

For the second time in its history, Steve Jobs will move away from running the company. If history is any judge, this won’t go well for Apple. But there are lots of reasons to think why history will be…
It can be hard to know where the next bit of hypercharged rhetoric will come from. fotoforlizzie

Patent wars … we get the war, but what about the patents?

If you believe the hype, the “patent wars” are well and truly underway. Google announced last week it will buy Motorola Mobility to get access to 15,000 of the handset manufacturer’s patents and HTC, Apple…
If you’re concerned about the data on your phone, there are a few things you can do. Daniel Barry/EPA

Seriously, how private is the data on your iPhone?

The Apple iPhone feature of logging and storing users’ location information has attracted worldwide attention. But discussions about location privacy aside, a more basic question needs to be asked: how…
If you download shanties illegally, the iCloud may not float your boat. sean cumiskey

Music pirates won’t rush to iCloud for forgiveness

Some people, including on this site, have suggested there’s a loophole in Apple’s new iCloud that will allow people who illegally download music to somehow “launder” their dirty music files, getting a…
Observers are making a song and dance about potential misuses of the iCloud. Kimihiro Hoshino/AFP

Long John iCloud Silver: has Steve Jobs cleared the decks for pirates?

Was Steve Jobs’announcement of the Apple iCloud yesterday music to your ears? It certainly takes cloud computing a significant distance further along the path of integration. All your devices – PC…
Steve Jobs is banking on cloud computing having a silver lining. EPA/Monica M. Davey

Apple iCloud storms the market: a review

Apple CEO Steve Jobs emerged briefly from medical leave to introduce iCloud at Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) in San Francisco yesterday (2am Australian EST). So how was it? In previous…
Apple might not use location information for its own benefit, so why collect it? AAP

Is Steve Jobs right about iPhone tracking?

Steve Jobs, Apple CEO, hit back at reports yesterday that the company’s iPhones track the movements of its 100 million users. The charge was that Apple was storing a database of this information, to which…

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