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Articles on Autism

Displaying 281 - 296 of 296 articles

In the absence of clear biological markers for autism, the DSM will remain a hugely influential book well into the 21st century. Richard Masoner/Wikimedia Commons

DSM-V and the changing fortunes of autism and related disorders

The DSM giveth, and the DSM taketh away - this is the less-than-complimentary sentiment of many people within the autism community as the clock ticks down to the publication of the most eagerly-anticipated…
Differences in the brains of autistic infants emerge well before behavioural signs. Awen Photography

Looking for early signs of autism in the infant brain

For parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the diagnostic process can be a long and stressful journey. Behavioural signs of ASD can appear around the child’s first birthday when he fails…
AVN spokesperson Meryl Dorey’s message contradicts the position of several Woodford Folk Festival sponsors. AAP

Meryl Dorey at Woodford Folk Festival: a hazard to your child’s health?

This year’s bill of speakers at the Woodford Folk Festival features anti-vaccine lobbyist Meryl Dorey, spokesperson for the Northern New South Wales-based Australian Vaccination Network (AVN), and purveyor…
Studies seem to outdo each other with ever-higher autism prevalence figures. hepingting

Do more children have autism now than before?

“273% Increase in Autism and We Don’t Know Why!” Thursday, April 15, 1999, Los Angeles Times. The rising prevalence of autism is a story destined to achieve headlines, take up column inches and even bump…
Case closed: the MMR vaccine has no relationship with autism.

Monday’s medical myth: the MMR vaccine causes autism

Few medical myths have spread as feverishly and contributed to so much preventable illness than the theory that the triple measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine might be linked to autism. The tale…
Researchers say they have identified two different types of autism, paving the way for more targeted treatment. Flickr/Pondspider

Autism breakthrough could lead to new treatments

US researchers say they have identified at least two distinct types of autism, paving the way for new and more targeted treatments. Autism, a neurobiological disorder that impairs social interaction skills…

Seeing eye-to-eye is key to copying

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but how do our brains decide when and who we should copy? New research suggests…
Better understanding of sibling risk will lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment. Flickr/kmakice

One-in-five risk of sibling autism

A study published overnight in the journal Paediatrics shows the siblings of autistic children have a much higher risk of autism than previously thought. Nicole Rinehart, clinical psychologist and Associate…

Unusual gene variants linked to ADHD

New research has identified more genes related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and shows an overlap between…
A DNA test can detect fragile X syndrome with 99% accuracy. AAP

ADHD, autism or something else entirely?

Most people are not aware of fragile X syndrome but they may well be affected by it or know someone who is. Commonly under-diagnosed or misdiagnosed the condition is often mistaken for Attention Deficit…

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