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Articles on Barack Obama

Displaying 661 - 680 of 681 articles

President Obama and French leader Nicolas Sarkozy were caught speaking of Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in unflattering terms at the G20 summit. AAP/Stefan Rousseau

Careless whisper: what Obama and Sarkozy’s slip means for Israel

The recent Cannes G20 meeting was ostensibly about saving Europe from falling into economic oblivion. But a frank exchange between US President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, caught…
The Palestinian delegation to UNESCO await the outcome of the vote on membership. AAP

Palestine vote: America the loser as it withdraws funding from UNESCO

The United States announced last Monday that it would refuse to pay its 2011 funding commitment to the United Nations’ lead cultural and educational body following that organisation’s decision to admit…
Barack Obama’s handling of the economy will be closely scrutinised in the US presidential election campaign next year. AFP/Mandel Ngan

It’s the economy, stupid: The US Presidential elections in 2012

President Barack Obama’s handling of the US economy has come under close scrutiny following the publication of Confidence Men by Ron Suskind - which charts his struggle to contain the Wall Street crash…
Change will again come to the White House. And it will come courtesy of another Texan. EPA/Alex Jones/pool

The next president of the United States will be Rick Perry

We now know the name of the next president of the United States: Rick Perry. The range of poor choices facing Republicans – from the bland Mitt Romney to the polarising Michele Bachman – has been transformed…
Has his compromise with Republicans over the debt ceiling ended Obama’s electoral hopes? AAP

Is Obama doomed? The debt crisis and 2012

Despite the apparent disgust of many Americans and the contempt held by many outside observers, US politics is supposed to look this way – at least sometimes. The widely diagnosed dysfunction of the recent…
President Barack Obama: will his resolve stand as the debt clock ticks down?

Does Obama have the courage to stand his ground?

As the political stand-off around the US debt crisis looks set to continue into the weekend, US President Barack Obama is being tested whether he has the courage to stand his ground. Last week the President…

Place your bets now: Obama win in 2012?

Barack Obama has a 57.2% chance of being re-elected President of the United States next year, according to punters betting…
Will some US troops remain in Afghanistan to guarantee security or will they all be withdrawn? AAP

The Afghanistan Drawdown: the South Korea or Vietnam model?

On Wednesday, absent the flight suit, President Obama gave his own version of George W. Bush’s “mission accomplished” speech. His temporary escalation of 33,000 troops in Afghanistan had worked. A third…
President Obama is spending his post-bin Laden political capital in the Middle East. AAP

Obama, Israel and the Middle East dilemma

President Barack Obama has made a number of speeches focusing on events in the Middle East in recent weeks. Obama used a landmark speech regarding the uprisings in the Arab world to call on Israel to change…
Obama has outlined American foreign policy in the Middle East. AAP

The Obama doctrine

President Barack Obama’s speech on the Middle East and North Africa yesterday is being considered a landmark event in US foreign policy. Made in the wake of the so-called Arab spring and the killing of…
The American government tends not to assassinate enemies. AAP

Killing Osama: the exception that proves the rule

The western liberal’s capacity for self-flagellation is seemingly endless. There is no enemy that the liberal west did not create. There is no inhumanity that the west did not begin. There is no crime…
Targeted killing is assassination by another name. AAP

Why assassination seems to be the hardest word

Osama bin Laden is dead - assassinated a fortnight ago by bullets sprayed from the guns of special armed forces of the United States. During the wild celebrations that followed, the word “assassination…
President Obama announces the death of Osama bin Laden. AAP

Bin Laden’s death no guarantee of Obama second term

History will record that Osama bin Laden was killed by American forces during Barack Obama’s presidency only days after he was forced to release his birth certificate to prove his eligibility in office…
President Obama announcing bin Laden’s death earlier today.

Expert view: bin Laden’s death a boon for Obama

Osama bin Laden, the leader of global militant network al-Qaeda, has been killed in Pakistan by a small team of U.S. operatives, U.S. President Barack Obama said on Monday. Experts comment on the significance…

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