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Articles on Bill Shorten

Displaying 401 - 420 of 472 articles

Bill Shorten is shown on a screen giving evidence at the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption in Sydney. AAP/David Moir

Shorten on the spot over failure to disclose company campaign funding

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten failed until the last few days to declare that a labour hire company paid for his full-time campaign director in the run-up to his election to parliament in 2007.
Under the Coalition government, there has been little regard for asylum seekers’ humanity, and no concern for establishing durable solutions to their plight. AAP/Eoin Blackwell

How Labor can create a humane refugee policy without reviving boat arrivals

Labor has little to gain politically from deviating from the Coalition’s harsh asylum seeker policy, and yet there is urgent need for reform.
Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten pose for a photograph with Indigenous leaders before a meeting to consider the process for a referendum on Indigenous recognition. AAP/David Moir

Indigenous recognition: Abbott announces community consultation process

Tony Abbott, Bill Shorten and Indigenous leaders dealt primarily with process rather than substance in their Monday meeting on constitutional recognition of the first Australians. This made it a whole…
Bill Shorten’s support – and that of his party – is almost entirely a function of public perceptions of Tony Abbott’s performance. AAP/Nikki Short

Shorten’s trust deficit is limiting Labor’s opportunities

Bill Shorten has neither built the profile nor provided the performance that renders him prime minister-in-waiting rather than fragile whinger-in-chief.
Bill Shorten is grappling simultaneously with two issues that have the potential to inflict serious damage on him and the opposition. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Government’s citizenship changes target members of listed terrorist organisations

When Bill Shorten was asked by the Royal Commission into union corruption to appear before it, he said he wouldn’t be commenting on allegations about his time as an Australian Workers Union official until he gave evidence.
Opposition leader Bill Shorten was forced to ask for his testimony to the royal commission on union corruption to be brought forward in the wake of media stories about union deals. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Grattan on Friday: Bill Shorten’s purgatory puts Labor into limbo

Bill Shorten’s July 8 appearance before the royal commission into union corruption is crucial for his credibility and has major implications for his leadership.
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has sought an early appearance at the royal commission. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Shorten seeks to fast-track union royal commission appearance

In an effort to deal with the political fallout of his union past, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has asked the royal commission into union corruption to bring forward his appearance to July.
Labor leader Bill Shorten will appear before the royal commission into trade union governance and corruption. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Royal commission into union corruption will grill Shorten

Bill Shorten will give evidence at the royal commission into union corruption, which is probing the conduct of the Australian Workers Union, of which he is a former Victorian and national secretary.
Bill Shorten has introduced a bill into parliament to amend the Marriage Act and allow same-sex marriage in Australia. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Explainer: how Australia can legalise same-sex marriage

The legislative reform required to allow same-sex marriage is not complicated. There is relative consensus as to how this can be achieved.
Tuesday’s Newspoll is a poor result for opposition leader Bill Shorten. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Setback for Shorten in Newspoll

Bill Shorten’s ratings have taken a hit in Tuesday’s Newspoll, with Tony Abbott having a better net approval rating than his opponent for the first time in nearly 14 months.
Tony Abbott risks having same-sex marriage used against him electorally – just as his Liberal Party once tried to use it against Labor. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Why Australia is so far behind the times on same-sex marriage

As opposition leader Bill Shorten prepares to introduce an amendment on Monday to the Marriage Act to legalise same-sex marriage, why has Australia lagged so far behind?
‘When you’re in the gun sights yourself, target Bill Shorten’ is a core tactic in the government’s toolkit. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Involve Brandis and Bishop, not just Dutton, in decisions on dual citizens

It’s more than a touch hilarious how the Liberals are determined to claim eventual ownership of what seems the likely endorsement of same-sex marriage by parliament later this year. If a change is made…
These Rohingya women and children, rescued by fishermen in Aceh, are among thousands in need of resettlement. EPA

Australia can do better on Asian boat crisis than ‘nope, nope, nope’

A summit in Bangkok is discussing the fate of thousands of people who were stranded at sea. Australia is represented but refuses to resettle any refugees, casting doubt on its commitment to a regional solution.

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