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Articles on Bill Shorten

Displaying 161 - 180 of 472 articles

Bill Shorten tabled a copy of his UK citizenship renunciation documents on Monday. Lukas Coch/AAP

Shorten shakes off citizenship pursuers as Labor pursues Joyce

While it would have been much easier for the government if Barnaby Joyce had stood aside from cabinet while the High Court determined his parliamentary eligibility, the Nationals leader was too big a fish…
Bill Shorten will seek to elevate the issue of a republic by pledging. a policy for quick action. Julian Smith/AAP

Shorten pledges republic vote in first term

Bill Shorten’s policy for quick action on a republic contrasts with Malcolm Turnbull’s position.
The prime minister’s office denied suggestions that Malcolm Turnbull had given support to Bill Shorten’s proposal for four-year terms. Paul Miller/AAP

Shorten and Turnbull to talk on four-year terms

Bill Shorten said the federal political system seemed ‘out of whack in that everything is so short term’.
ACTU secretary Sally McManus has pushed for MPs to pass a bill to stop the phasing in of penalty rate cuts. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Sunday penalty rates to be phased down

The Fair Work Commission said reductions in rates were more significant in retail and pharmacy than in hospitality and fast food.

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