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Articles on Christianity

Displaying 401 - 420 of 482 articles

Mother Theresa in 1991. Kamal Kishore/Reuters

Questioning the ‘miracles’ of Saint Teresa

Mother Teresa will become a saint on Sunday, on the basis of two miracles of healing. But let’s not remove our thinking caps and go all medieval: we should be wary of uncritical endorsement of claims to the miraculous.
A Hindu devotee prepares to participate in a fire-walking ceremony to honour the goddess Draupadi in Durban in 2011. Reuters/Rogan Ward

Behind the God-swapping in the South African Indian community [part 1]

Since the 1920s Pentecostal churches have had a major impact in South Africa’s Indian community. Their converts have grown larger than all the other Christian denominations put together.
Peter Paul Rubens, Lot and his family escaping from the doomed city guided by an angel, circa 1615.

Friday essay: The Qur’an, the Bible and homosexuality in Islam

For Muslims generally, as for conservative Christians, homosexual acts are sinful. Christian gays and lesbians have had to work hard for a measure of recognition among fellow-believers; their Muslim counterparts are just beginning that struggle.
Tensions between cattle herders and crop-farming communities in Nigeria have escalated in the past few months. Reuters/Akintunde Akinleye

Nigeria faces new security threat fuelled by climate change and ethnicity

Escalating clashes between herders and farmers in Nigeria threaten the country’s national and food security. A response based on innovation, sustainability and political will is urgently needed.

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