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Articles on Conservation

Displaying 1181 - 1200 of 1238 articles

We can’t run away from it: we need food, and we need biodiversity. buiversonian

A global juggling act: feeding the world, saving species

Our planet is on the precipice of a sixth mass extinction event. But unlike the five previous mass extinctions, this one is man-made: a global biodiversity crisis in which species are disappearing three…

Pikas holding their own

Though their numbers have been in decline, a new survey has found that American pikas have been holding their own in the…

Burning mountains saves lizards

Lizard populations have been brought back in America’s Ozark glades through the burning of entire mountains and valleys…

Concentration could save marine mammals

Preserving as little as 4% of the ocean could protect important habitat for marine mammal species. Researches overlaid maps…
Why deplete a country’s mineral resources when its natural capital is worth so much more? Muhammad Erdi Lazuardi

Raja Ampat: why reefs are worth more money than mines

“Natural capital” is the resources in nature’s bank. Nature’s capital is not evenly spread across the world: some areas are “richer” than others. Raja Ampat in Papua is one of the richest. Currently under…
The peace package will have to work hard to bring forestry workers into the modern economy. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library

Can Tasmania’s forest deal secure ‘peace’ for workers?

The recently announced $276 million Tasmanian forest agreement agreement sets out to end the war between loggers and conservationists. But the war has been bitter, and forest industry workers have often…
If we keep going the way we are, Australia’s environment will be in trouble in 2050. adriansalamandre/Flickr

2050: our future State of the Environment report

AUSTRALIA 2050 – There’s no way of predicting what the environment will be like in 2050, but there are many possibilities. I will sketch out two extremes. The first is bleak. The first independent national…
Southern bluefin tuna are critically endangered, but the fishing industry wants to catch more. AAP

Tuna or not tuna? The real cost of taking a fish out of water

The Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna is meeting today to discuss raising Australia’s tuna fishing quota. The tuna industry is expected to ask for a 30% rise in Australia’s allocated…

Plants are more important than you think

A new analysis of plants in grassland ecosystems around the world has revealed that most grassland plant species are important…
The wave of extinction that swamped southern species like the stick-nest rat is heading north. Gould/Wikimedia Commons

The Kimberley: pristine, precious and on the precipice

Mention “The Kimberley”, and for most Australians visions of spectacular sunsets, giant boab trees, rocky escarpments and cascading waterfalls spring to mind. But there is a storm on the horizon, and it…
The trees are falling, but is anyone listening? NatureNut3/flickr

The Tasmanian Forest Agreement: too close to collapse?

Political scientists now commonly distinguish between ‘government’ and ‘governance’. The former refers to a hierarchical institution while the latter captures the idea of a general process of social steering…

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