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Articles on Cybersecurity

Displaying 601 - 620 of 692 articles

You could hire an army to protect yourself. Or just do your research. Michael Li

Malware is everywhere so watch out for the fake healers

There is nothing worse than having a fake healer offer a cure that does absolutely nothing. History is full of tales of frauds and quacks offering a cure for all, which eventually turn out to be nothing…
More than 5 million Australians were victims of cybercrime in 2012 and cyber breaches are only going to get bigger and more disruptive. Jim Prosser/Flickr

Lock down cybersecurity or face another Heartbleed – or worse

The recently released Commission of Audit report recommends that the Australian government needs to become “digital by default”. The continued shift to digital service delivery is intended to reduce costs…
Popular web browser Internet Explorer the target for the latest security vulnerability. Flickr/Hash Milhan

With bugs in the system how safe is the internet?

It seems hardly a week goes by without a major cyber security flaw exposed that could be exploited across millions of internet and mobile connected devices. This week it was the Internet Explorer browser’s…
Probably an unnecessary precaution. Redcorn Studios [Matt]

Explainer: which phone is most vulnerable to malware?

As each new computer virus attack or vulnerability comes to light, millions instinctively check their computer to see if their anti-malware application is up to date. This is a good idea and they are wise…
The internet didn’t fall to pieces at the millennium and it won’t now. drinksmachine

Let’s not panic like it’s 1999 as we clean up after Heartbleed

Take a moment to jump back in your mental time machine to 31 December 1999. It was the biggest New Year’s Eve for a thousand years. The dawn of a new millennium. But as we prepared to party, the world…
Emailing from the car: fast, convenient and not in the least bit secure. rheauchyr

Cybersecurity czar dodges questions over IT security

Cyber security has been a hot item on the UK government agenda in the last few years. Francis Maude of the Cabinet Office is the minister in charge. So if anyone was looking for answers in this area, his…
Does Heartbleed expose flaws in the way some security-critical software is developed? Flickr/Kaleenxian

How the Heartbleed bug reveals a flaw in online security

The Heartbleed bug that’s potentially exposed the personal and financial data of millions of people stored online has also exposed a hole in the way some security software is developed and used. The bug…
Take a duster to your password collection. It’s as good a time as any. Karen Blakeman

Don’t panic about Heartbleed but have a spring clean anyway

The web is full of scare stories about the Heartbleed security vulnerability but panicking won’t help. Better to use this situation as an opportunity to clean up our acts. Few of us do it but we should…
Don’t break your heart over this issue but stay secure. Optx

Explainer: should you change your password after Heartbleed?

If you’re struggling to understand the deluge of information about the Heartbleed vulnerability, you’re not alone. Some reports tell us to change all our online passwords immediately, others warn us that…
What’s worse than an enemy with a gun? An enemy with malicious code. Niall Carson/PA Archive/Press Association Images

South Korea’s cyber-war ambitions could backfire badly

South Korea has made a suprisingly public announcement that it plans to develop cyber-weapons for potential use against North Korea. The decision to make its plans known is baffling and the potential consequences…
Something fishy going on in the next cubicle? Check your inbox for clues. Mark Drago

Employers can predict rogue behaviour using your emails

Most office workers send dozens of electronic communications to colleagues in any given working day, through email, instant messaging and intranet systems. So many in fact that you might not notice subtle…
Davos attendees compare firewall software. World Economic Forum

People come before computers in cybersecurity

As business leaders and politicians gather in Davos to discuss how to reshape the world, one of the topics on their agenda will be cyber-resilience, which is all about preparing organisations and individuals…
Can you spot your Facebook data? National Security Agency

Obama’s reformed NSA may look much the same as before

President Obama faced a difficult task in his speech on reform of the NSA’s surveillance activities. As an accomplished orator, crafting a well-received speech was obviously within his capabilities, but…

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