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Articles on Digital economy

Displaying 741 - 760 of 812 articles

New tech open avenues for dyslexic readers. thequietlibrary

E-readers prove easy on the eye for dyslexics

Using an e-reader may help some dyslexic students understand what they read more effectively, researchers at Harvard University argue. In a paper published in the journal PLOS One, the authors found that…
Finally! A UK MOOC can be mine. CollegeDegrees360

MOOCs open for business in the UK

Massive Open Online Courses landed in the UK today with the launch of FutureLearn, a project led by the Open University and including around 20 universities from the UK, Monash University in Australia…
Older people embrace social media if it fits their needs. Menno van der Sman

Silver surfers forgotten in social media boom

Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are an almost ubiquitous part of most young people’s lives after just a few years of existence. But the enthusiasm with which they have been adopted…
Frustrated consumers can now get their own back online. Sybren A. Stüvel

Disgruntled customers waging a social media war

Social media may have done much for the world, but it certainly hasn’t made everyone happy. It’s not just trolls, bullies and pedants: regular customers are annoyed too. Take a glance at the twitter feeds…
Now, where did I leave my keys? Ah, yes, in my left skin pocket. Ted Eytan

Not long now before on-body gadgets get under your skin

My Dad used to say that if he had a pocket somewhere on his skin he’d keep a torch in it. I thought it was weird at the time but as my eyesight has dimmed, I get what he was on about. Now it’s a mobile…
The women of ENIAC, because you don’t need to see another picture of Titstare.

Titstare proves there are still too many dicks in tech

It would be tempting to say the tech industry was reeling this week from the blatant discrimination and misogyny that took centre stage at the TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon in San Francisco. It would be…
From massively open to really massively open. oxyman

Google and friends put the ‘open’ back into MOOCs

The entrance of Google into the Massive Open Online Courses market this week has the potential to reignite the spirit of openness that saw these alternative routes into higher education emerge in the first…
Stop, look, listen before you lay hundreds of miles of very expensive railway. thechilterns

The future is in high-tech work, not high-speed trains

The UK’s most ambitious infrastructure project is in trouble. Criticism of the High Speed 2 rail network has come from left and right of the political spectrum, with both the New Economics Foundation and…
New app delivery models could disrupt Apple’s plans. kobiz7

Innovative Apple should watch out for app disruption

The new iPhone 5S features a better camera, a faster processor, a finger-print reader, and much else. These innovations make the iPhone even better than it was before, but it’s still very much an iPhone…
Cheap and cheerful or gold and flashy. You now have a choice. Martin uit Utrecht

Apple plays to the middle market with colourful iPhones

Seasoned Apple watchers will have successfully predicted nearly all the hardware in the two new iPhones that have just been unveiled by CEO Tim Cook in a hotly anticipated presentation. But while one model…
Perfect parking has a human cost. Steve Jurvetson

Self-driving cars will change more than just our roads

It seems that self-driving vehicles will be with us quite soon. Google has been practising letting go of the wheel on its autonomous cars for some time now, Nissan has recently promised self-driving cars…
50 wpm, punctual, fast learner. Especially after a few Jager Bombs. upsuportsmouth

Your future boss knows what you did this summer: it’s online

Just over a fortnight ago, LinkedIn announced it is to make its professional network available to UK-based students aged 13 years and older; primarily as a way of enabling young people to leverage the…
I don’t need one of these, do I? Samsung tomorrow

Scoff now, but you’re probably getting a smartwatch

The tech wars took a major swerve into the leftfield this week. No longer content with updating their phone offerings, companies have come over all James Bond in the hope of hitting upon the next big innovation…
What do you get the company that has everything? Cake. Cakehead loves

Happy birthday to Google, the teenager that runs the world

What did you achieve by the time you were 15? For most, a summary of our first decade-and-a-half of existence would not make for a bestselling biography. But one teenager celebrating a significant birthday…
News with your Shreddies? Brendan Lynch

Spike the gloom – journalism has a bright future

Whenever more than two journalists gather together to discuss the future of their business, the dialogue is usually depressing. This prevailing pessimism must change: we need a new conversation about what’s…
Ashes to ashes, pixel to pixel. The latest tech means you can do it your way.

You can linger longer with a digital death

Digital life now begins before birth, with excited expectant parents sharing ultrasound images of their unborn babies online. But your digital life also continues after you die, and can come in handy in…
Digital health is a daunting task. juhansonin

Patient privacy will not be lost in a digital NHS

The government has announced an extra £1 billion is being channelled into efforts to make the NHS “paperless” by 2018. Central to this aim are plans to make patient health records digital. The goal is…
Government funding can be poorly targeted. PlayStation Europe

State cash for gaming? I’ll stick to Kickstarter, thanks

The UK government’s Technology Strategy Board has announced (and not for the first time) that it’s putting its weight behind the creative media sector, this time by way of a competition designed to encourage…
“They hate me! I’m rich!” Javier Dominguez Ferreiro

Steve Ballmer: the hits and misses of a Microsoft CEO

How much are you worth to your company? Earlier this week, Steve Ballmer had the misfortune to discover that the announcement of his retirement increased Microsoft’s share price by 7.6%. Dispiriting as…
Cheap construction of intricate designs. fdecomite

3D printing market is booming as the buzz catches on

3D printing stocks jumped early this week following analyst Kenneth Wong’s assertion that the market could triple in the next five years. But why the sudden attention? The possible economic impact of 3D…

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