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Articles on Domestic violence

Displaying 421 - 440 of 496 articles

Remembering the dozens of Australians’ lives already cut short this year because of domestic and family violence. L.C. Nøttaasen/Flickr

Budget brief: where is the new help for domestic violence?

A national domestic violence crisis hotline is still under-funded and unable to keep up with demand, after the 2015 federal budget delivered only a few short-term measures on domestic violence.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott and his state and territory counterparts have promised a stronger national response to violence against women – but will they deliver? Stefan Postles/AAP

Australia’s ‘urgent’ action on family violence has fallen years behind

Australia’s federal and state leaders have pledged “urgent collective action” on violence against women. But a closer look at COAG’s new action plan reveals we’re already years behind on key measures.
Domestic violence needn’t be only physical, but can extend to online harassment and control. Arne Halvorsen/Flickr

Online harassment is a form of violence

Technology violence is a term that encompasses all types of harassment and abuse that occurs online and serves to control or intimidate women in particular.
Differences in personal resources and capabilities mean that the most vulnerable Australians find the legal system inaccessible. AAP/April Fonti

Reversing legal aid cuts isn’t enough to ensure access to justice

The demand for government-funded legal services is large and growing. Simply “not cutting” these services does the community a grave disservice.
Billy Gordon has paid the price for failing to disclose his criminal history after he was sacked from the parliamentary ALP by Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk. AAP/Dan Peled

By sacking Billy Gordon, Palaszczuk has put her government on the brink

The Queensland government’s survival is at stake just two months after it was elected following the sacking of Labor MP Billy Gordon from the parliamentary party.
Family violence is core business in our courts and an ongoing drain on our economic and social well-being. altanaka/Shutterstock

Remove the burden of family violence from the victims, to the courts

We need to support those who are subjected to family violence – mostly women and children – and this must remain our priority. But we must also intervene at the source of the problem.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott will chair a meeting on domestic violence, flanked by the rest of Australia’s political leaders – but will they finally commit to long-term, bipartisan action? Lukas Coch/AAP

Cancel the inquiries: we don’t need more reports on domestic violence

For decades, successive governments have cherry-picked reports on domestic violence for the easy fixes, and ignored the hard stuff. So no more summits and royal commissions – it’s time to act.
Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten are united in condemning violence against women and children, but both overlook the young people who are victims too. AAP/Lukas Coch

Sidelined and scorned: young people are set up to be soft targets

Responses to family violence by Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten and the terms of reference for Victoria’s royal commission fail to mention young people. Such a lack of recognition has dire consequences.
If you think someone is experiencing domestic violence, don’t dismiss it, don’t blame the victim and don’t look the other way. Kamira/Shutterstock

What you can do at work to stop the violence in our homes

When Barbara, a 28-year-old mother of two pre-school boys, Josh and Noah, left her violent husband, she never expected to be punished for it at work.
Victoria’s new Labor government has set up an Australian-first royal commission into family violence. AAP/Julian Smith

Explainer: Victoria’s Royal Commission into Family Violence

It is difficult to capture just how important a royal commission with this focus is. For too long, family violence has taken, threatened and pervaded the lives of so many in the Victorian community.
Limited attention has been given to efforts aiming to reduce alcohol-related intimate partner violence by reducing harmful drinking. jenny downing/Flickr

Alcohol’s link to domestic violence is in focus – now what?

By mapping alcohol’s role in domestic violence, a report published today lifts the lid on the plight of numerous Australian adults and children whose lives are negatively affected by a family member with…
Public pressure to be ‘tough’ on crime can lead governments to neglect some of our deadliest problems, such as family violence. Paul Miller/AAP

If you want to cut crime, you can’t ignore the evidence

Queensland has a new Labor minority government, led by Annastacia Palaszczuk, after the shock defeat of the Liberal National Party. Labor’s pre-election promises were “modest”, leaving many now wondering…
Many services in NSW that previously operated as specialist women’s refuges have been dramatically transformed under recent reforms. shutterstock

The evidence supports specialist refuges for domestic violence

Research about specialist women’s domestic violence and other refuges does not support the claims made by NSW Family and Community Services Minister Gabrielle Upton that recent sweeping changes to these…

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