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Articles on Economy

Displaying 661 - 680 of 760 articles

As the Australian government tightens its belt, consumers end up spending more of their own money on health. Nikki Short/AAP Image/AAP

Patients paying more for health care as government tightens belt

Australians are picking up some of the slack of government belt-tightening by paying more for health, with experts concerned this could reduce the equity in Australia’s health system.
Bastiat would understand would Uber is going through in Paris. Reuters

The tale of Uber and a 19th-century French economist

The economist Frédéric Bastiat didn’t experience the “sharing economy,” but he knew the ludicrousness of wailing against a “foreign technology.”
Firing line. Corbyn’s economic plans face scrutiny. REUTERS/Peter Nicholls

How to save Corbynomics from itself

There are some important parts of Corbynomics that can offer a clear, distinctive and viable economic programme with which to confront the government.
US Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and European Central Bank President Mario Draghi have seen quantitative easing pay off, but what about on the way out? David Stubbs/Reuters

The quantitative easing experiment is ending in global recession

The biggest factor behind the recessionary trend is not the Chinese market, austerity budgets, or even the threat of higher US interest rates this year.
Running the economy is a bit like running a race… Jogger wall via

How the Federal Reserve keeps the US economy from bonking

My buddy is training for his third Chicago Marathon. I’m preparing for a 10K mud-run. He’s really fit and a family nurse practitioner, so I seek his advice on how to get in shape and what to eat. His advice…
Victoria Island waterfront in Lagos. President Buhari needs to emulate China and South Korea by urgently investing in science and technology to take Nigeria’s economy to the next level. Reuters/Joe Penney

Science and technology hold the key to Nigeria reaching its full potential

Investing in science, technology and innovation can help give Nigeria a positive lift in many sectors of the economy.
Boxing clever? Osborne delivers. Andy Rain/EPA

Budget 2015: Experts respond

Instant reaction from academics as George Osborne delivers his post-election budget.

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