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Articles on European Union (EU)

Displaying 161 - 180 of 1415 articles

Dan Stoenescu, head of the EU delegation for Syria, during a visit to the territories controlled by the Damascus regime on 8 August 2022. Dan Stoenescu/Facebook

The European Union in Syria: too complacent?

In the name of contributing to the reconstruction of Syria, is the EU rehabilitating Bashar Al-Assad?
The migrant centre on the Greek island of Samos is surrounded by three layers of fence and barbed wire. According to authorities, it is designed to host up to 3,000 people, of which 2,100 will have a “controlled access” and 900 will be in detention waiting to be sent back to Turkey (21 July, 2021). Evgenia Chorou/MSF

Out of sight, out of mind: Europe’s increasing pushback against migrants

In the wake of revelations on the EU’s failure to protect migrants, an MSF doctor details how those seeking to reach Europe’s shores are increasingly falling prey to violent deterrence methods.
Far-right political parties, often Eurosceptic, have long been at work building their influence in Brussels. On June 12, 2019, Italy’s Lega and France’s Rassemblement National announced that they would form the Identity and Democracy (ID) group within the European Parliament. At a press conference the next day, Marco Zanni of Lega (L) shakes hands with the RN’s Marine Le Pen. Aris Oikonomou/AFP

The fox in the chicken coop: how the far right is playing the European Parliament

How political parties such as Fidesz, Brothers of Italy, and the National Rally form part of the European Parliament.
On 22 July 2022, President Andrzej Duda chose to ratify the NATO protocol on the accession of Sweden and Finland to the Alliance on a Polish warship. Mateusz Slodkowski/AFP

Poland dreams of building Europe’s largest army, against backdrop of Russia’s war against Ukraine

By the end of the decade, Poland’s arms capacity could exceed that of the French, German, UK, Italian, Dutch and Belgian forces combined.
As home secretary, Priti Patel explained the UK government’s reservations over certain provisions in the Istanbul convention. PA Images | Alamy

What the UK ratifying the Istanbul convention on gendered violence means for women and girls

The Istanbul convention aims to tackle violence, including domestic abuse, rape, female genital mutilation and forced marriage. Some states are wavering in their commitment to its provisions.
Google’s EU headquarters is located in Dublin, Ireland. The EU’s new Digital Markets Act could rein in the company’s power. Wikimedia

Can the EU’s Digital Markets Act rein in big tech?

While the EU’s ground-breaking legislation to regulate “digital gatekeepers” has its flaws, it could rein in big tech and significantly change how it operates in Europe – and perhaps the world.
The HBM4EU project has set out to monitor Europeans’ chemical exposure on an unprecedented scale. Davit Khutsishvili/Shutterstock

What exactly are chemicals doing to our bodies? European scientists team up to find out

Chemicals are omnipresent in our lives and production is booming, yet we know little about their impacts on human health. To fill the gap, the EU has launched a series of biomonitoring initiatives.
Regulations in the US and EU are intended to ensure that cosmetics and other personal-care products are safe, but the two continents approach the issue in different ways. Marco Verch/Flickr

Just how safe are cosmetics on the European market?

From miscarriages to cancer, poor regulation of cosmetics in the US have taken a devastating toll on consumers’ lives. Are European consumers any safer?
Same app, same app store, different risks if you download it in, say, Tunisia rather than in Germany. NurPhoto via Getty Images

The same app can pose a bigger security and privacy threat depending on the country where you download it, study finds

Mobile apps are sometimes ‘regionalized’ to better serve the needs of users, functioning differently in, for example, China than in Canada. But some of those differences pose security and privacy risks.

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