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Articles on Ghana

Displaying 481 - 500 of 548 articles

Johannesburg’s night sky with its most densely-populated suburb of Hillbrow in the foreground. Leon Krige

Johannesburg and Accra: inching their way up the urban food chain

Accra and Johannesburg have some way to go before making it onto anyone’s top 20. Both cities have a desperate gap between rich and poor but inequality is not a uniquely African problem.
Chinese company managers at the site of a highway project in Kenya. While traditional donors fund the social sectors, China’s emphasis is infrastructure. Reuters/Antony Njuguna

Is China displacing traditional aid donors in Africa? The evidence suggests not

The pervasive new argument is that China is upending the dominance of traditional Africa aid donors from the West. But a new study shows that while China is making inroads, the West is staying put.
The IMF was blamed after the 2014 Ebola crisis for contributing to the failure of West African health systems to develop. Reuters/Baz Ratner

How years of IMF prescriptions have hurt West African health systems

West African health systems were weak before the IMF got involved. Sadly, the policy reforms demanded by the IMF in exchange for loans have undermined governments’ ability to repair these problems.
Members of the Ecowas force at the Denton Bridge check point in Banjul, The Gambia, following Yahya Jammeh’s departure. Reuters/Thierry Gouegnon

How West Africa built the muscle to rout dictators and keep the peace

Regional power Ecowas, which has just seen off yet another dictator in Yahya Jammeh, started off with a tame agenda 42 years ago. But it was soon shaped by civil wars, military coups and despots
The Gambia’s Yahya Jammeh is under pressure from regional leaders to cede power. Reuters/Thierry Gouegnon

How The Gambia is testing West Africa’s resolve to protect democracy

The Gambian election dispute is not the first that ECOWAS has confronted. Côte d’Ivoire’s 2010 presidential election is a case in point. There it resorted to military action to enforce the outcome.
A student revising class work in Kenya. The quality of maths teaching in schools can have a profound impact on learner interest. Reuters/Thomas Mukoya

Boredom, alienation and anxiety in the maths classroom? Here’s why

The quality of what pupils come to know, understand and are able to do has a big impact on students. Low quality leads to boredom as well as fear and anxiety about maths as a subject
Mahatma Gandhi figurine at Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum in Vienna.The call to remove his statute from the University of Ghana has reignited debate about his legacy. shutterstock

Ghana University row re-ignites debate about Mahatma Gandhi’s racism

Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most influential personalities in history, celebrated for his advocacy of non-violent resistance. But his dark side is now receiving increased attention.
Independence Square in Accra, Ghana. The country is indeed free but must improve at delivering justice. Shutterstock

The verdict is out: Ghana’s jury system needs urgent reform

A key argument in support of the jury system is that it is a valued form of citizen participation in democracies. But the system has led to human rights abuses in Ghana.
Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame is seen as having promoted economic growth at the expense of human rights. Ruben Sprich/Reuters

There is good as well as bad news about the state of governance in Africa

To improve, African countries need to find a balance between political and economic matters. This is where leadership becomes particularly important. But this is currently lacking on the continent.

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