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Articles on Grief

Displaying 161 - 163 of 163 articles

It’s normal to have recurring waves of grief after the loss of a loved one but prolonged, severe grief requires treatment. white ribbons

Why prolonged grief should be listed as a mental disorder

MATTERS OF THE MIND – a series which examines the clinician’s bible for diagnosing mental disorders, the DSM, and the controversy surrounding the forthcoming fifth edition. Grief is one of the most universal…
Expressing grief is an essential part of human nature. Sasha Wolf/Wikimedia Commons.

Coping with bereavement and grief: lessons from history

The need for grief expression is apparent across history and cultures. But how do we know what works? Since the first empirical study into acute grief by Erich Lindemann in 1944, the modern study of grief…
Media reports of crime and grief often refer to a family’s need for “closure”. AAP

There’s not always ‘closure’ in the never-ending story of grief

Media stories about crime and grief often centre on the concept of “closure”. It’s assumed families affected by crime or loss need to achieve closure and can’t begin the grieving process until the perpetrator…

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