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Articles on Hackers

Displaying 81 - 100 of 123 articles

Seeking a peaceful handover of power between parties and political opponents. Jim Young/Reuters

Election legitimacy at risk, even without a November cyberattack

It’s true that sophisticated hackers may be able to tilt the presidential election. But the more likely threat to democracy comes from sore losers who sow doubt about voting integrity.
A man displays a protest message on his iPhone at a rally in support of Apple’s refusal to help the FBI access the iPhone of a shooter involved in San Bernardino mass killing. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson

Hacking the terror suspect’s iPhone: what the FBI can do now Apple says ‘no’

Now that Apple has refused to build a backdoor into its own device, should the FBI turn to ethical hackers to gain access to a terror suspect’s iPhone?
2015 saw us complete our exploration of all nine planets (including dwarf planet Pluto) in our solar system. NASA

2015, the year that was: Science + Technology

2015 was a year where we expanded our view of the universe, embraced new technologies and got a hint of the profound changes to come.
The fingerprints might indicate China, but that’s not so easy to prove. Shutterstock

How we trace the hackers behind a cyber attack

This week’s hack of the Bureau of Meteorology appeared to come from China, but how do we know? The problem is, it’s notoriously difficult to pinpoint the origin of a hack.

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