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Articles on Kenya

Displaying 901 - 920 of 987 articles

Policewomen lock hands during a protest march in Nigeria.Collaboration between police and communities is helping improve safety in parts of the country. Reuters/Afolabi Sotunde

What we can learn from communities in Nigeria on how to improve security

A new study shows an amazingly symbiotic relationship between the community and police in Nigeria: 70% of survey respondents claim that collaboration has brought safety to their communities.
Kenyans rally for a new constitution in 2010. The constitution guaranteed shared power and resources for 47 county governments. Reuters/Moses Eshiwani

Kenya’s glass-half-full experiment with transfer of power and resources

The Kenyan example illustrates the importance of constitutional guarantees for devolution. But it also shows that devolution is no magic bullet for the problems of corruption and ethnic politics.
A khat plantation in Kenya. The stimulant’s prohibition in the UK was a bitter-sweet blow for growers, who now enjoy state support for the first time. Reuters/Thomas Mukoya

Khat and its changing politics in Kenya and Somalia after UK ban

Options for exports of the stimulant khat are becoming ever more constrained. The anti-khat campaign that was successful in the UK is now eyeing new victories in Somalia and Kenya.
Kenyan athletes exercise in the early morning near a high-altitude training camp. Reuters/Siegfried Modola

Media-led investigations aren’t the way to beat doping in sport

With weeks to go before the Olympics, it’s unlikely Kenya will be sanctioned over fresh doping claims. No matter what happens, a shadow will be cast over the integrity of the country’s athletes.
Kenya burned 105 tonnes of ivory confiscated from smugglers and poachers, an action denounced by Bostwana as wrong and wasteful. Reuters/Siegfried Modola

EU’s new stand on ivory trade upsets East Africa ahead of key decision

EU officials argue that while the ban on ivory trade is right for some countries, it shouldn’t be all-encompassing. It has called on African range states to reach agreement on the issue.
Some countries in Africa are well placed to follow the path of development pioneered by a number of Asian countries. Shutterstock

What’s needed to take Africa from Third to First World in 25 years

It’s important to interrogate the key factors that pushed countries from Third World to First World status in the 20th century. Asia’s experiences hold many lessons for Africa.
Markets plunged after the UK voted to exit the EU. Africa’s trade relations with both the EU and UK will be affected by the decision. Reuters/Kevin Coombs

African exporters face choppy waters in the wake of Brexit

Emerging market countries that rely heavily on commodity exports will be hit hardest by Britain’s decision to leave the European Union.

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